Page 73 of Dirty Love
“Wait, that’s it?” he calls, frowning again while he watches us move for the door leading to the stairs.
“Do you have any questions?”
“No, I just… thank you for this. I really appreciate it.”
“Yeah, well, if you turn into a shady fucker or try to hurt my little brother, I’ll throw you off the roof.”
“Your what?”
“The roof,” Nicky exaggerates, laughing again when Cameron stares at us with his mouth parted.
I smirk and wrap my arms around Nicky’s waist, licking the side of his neck while I take him upstairs. I quickly unlock the door on my left and push him through it, popping the button on his ripped jeans before I shove him down on the bed in the corner.
“You think he can be trusted?” I ask, kneeling on the mattress between his thighs to work on his zipper.
“I think you like him.”
“I don’t like anyone, Nicky.”
“But me,” he reminds me, lifting his ass up to help me out. “You like me, right?”
I strip his clothes off but leave the t-shirt, sliding my hands over the tattoos on his forearms to pin his wrists above his head. He locks his thighs around me and I grind on him slowly, fucking my hard dick against his to show him just how much I like him.
“Spread your legs out.”
He does as he’s told and I pull his bottom lip into my mouth, letting go of his arms to move my hands down to his sides. He sucks in a breath and I squeeze his waist, fucking loving the way I can make him moan for me on cue. He scrapes his black nails over my scalp and I dig my thumbs into his hip bones, nudging his chin to the side to get to his neck. I don’t think Cameron was lying to me about being a bottom, but it won’t hurt to mark him just in case, to show him who my boy belongs to.
“Kade,” he pleads, rubbing himself against the front of my jeans. “You’re taking too long.”
I dig my teeth in even harder and he whines, but he doesn’t try to pull away from me. His legs start to shake and he presses his heels into my ass, whimpering when I smack his outer thigh.
“I said out.”
“Fuck, you’re killing me.”
I grin against him and lift my head to get a look at his throat, my eyes darkening as I move them over the several purple hickeys I’ve given him. It’s not enough, but he’s getting desperate and impatient, so I’ll just have to leave him be and finish later when he’s asleep.
“There’s something wrong with you,” he tells me, and I nod, sliding down to move my lips over his abs.
He’s right—because he’s always fucking right—but there’s not much I can do about it now.
I knew taking him once would be the death of me and I did it anyway. I was naïve, and I thought I’d start to get my sanity back as the years went on, but my love for him only gets worse, more toxic and more selfish.
It’s unfortunate and unhealthy as fuck, but he doesn’t mind as much as he’s letting on.
He likes me crazy.
I lick the smooth spot just above the base of his cock and he jerks beneath me, his breath coming in a little faster as I push his knees out either side of his ribs. He looks down at me and I hold his eyes, spitting on his pale little hole before I flick it with my tongue. He moans again and I pull his cheeks out with my thumbs, greedily eating him out for as long as I damn well please. After a while, he rips his hands over his face and I decide to put him out of his misery, blindly reaching up to grab the lube we keep in the nightstand.
“Tell me how many.”
“Just one,” he rasps. “Don’t give me all of it.”
“Good boy,” I whisper, pushing my wet finger in to the second knuckle, still licking his hole while I crook it upwards. “Fuck it back for me.”
He rolls his hips up and I use my left hand to get my jeans and boxers down to my thighs, rubbing the lube all over my dick to get it ready for him. I spit on him a few more times and slide my knees up to his ass, removing my finger to replace it with the head of my cock. His mouth parts as I push it inside, but he doesn’t complain. He’s half my size and he takes my dick like it’s nothing, like he was made for me and only me.
No one but me.