Page 30 of Violent Attraction
Certainly not Santiago.
With my shoulder’s squared back and with my head held high, I did everything that was best for me and only me.
That’s why a week after my graduation, I packed my bags and left my father’s estate and headed to Austin. I needed to take the reins of my life and I had to do that outside of my father and the cartel and away from Santos, as I now refer to him.
Because Santiago is special to me, and Santos is not.
So, I left. Of course, My father and my siblings fought me on it, and it hurt me so much to leave Camila but I had to do it. It was the only way I was going to be able to find myself.
Austin was a compromise with Leo. It was far enough away from my father but close enough to him to be there if I needed him. I was okay with that. The University of Austin had an amazing fashion design department, so I was okay with calling Austin home.
Leo was able to find me an apartment and a car, and within a few weeks’ time, I was set.
All without hearing a word from Santos.
That doesn’t mean that he didn’t try, I just wasn’t strong enough to listen.
I was starting a new chapter in my life, I needed to put him behind me.
The first year outside of the walls of my childhood home was rough. It took some time for me to adjust to classes and to life in the city. It was different and I wasn’t used to it. I also wasn’t used to not having the constant protection that my father’s men offered. It was scary but I was able to handle it.
By my second year in Austin, I was finding my footing and was even able to make a few friends. Friends that I could talk mundane things to and hang out with. It was nice to have people outside of my family that I could depend on.
My third year, I was fucking striving. My grades were up, and I was excelling at every single design that was put in front of me. I was even able to have Camila come visit me almost every month for some sister bonding time.
My last year though, that was my best year yet. I was at the top of my class and was able to take on two internships.
Now, I have a bachelor’s degree in my back pocket and I’m currently standing in front of a boutique in Austin that is looking for an in-house designer.
I did something that my mother would be proud of.
I’m putting to use everything that she has taught me, and I couldn’t be happier.
Closing my eyes, I face the sky and just take a deep breath.
Lo hice mamí, lo hice.
A smile forms on my face.
Oh my god, this is really happening!
Okay, Isabella. Take a deep breath, you do not want to scare away the person who might be your future boss.
I take a couple deep breaths and try to center myself as best as I can.
I can do this. I can do this.
Squaring my shoulders, and I start to walk towards the door when I hear my phone ring in my bag.
Checking the time on my wrist, I see that I have enough time to see who it is. Pulling out my phone, I turn off the ring and see who’s calling.
Camila’s name shines on the caller ID. She’s probably calling to wish me good luck with this interview. Either that or to talk about something. I ignore it, I’ll call her as soon as I’m done. My mind needs to be clear right now, and my sister is a talker, so calling her later is for the best.
After turning off my phone and putting it back in my purse, I head straight to the boutique.
My hand is slightly shaking when I reach for the door, but my nerves calm down when I see a bubbly smile staring at me from behind the counter.