Page 51 of Violent Attraction
Instead of marrying the man I love, I will be marrying a man that I know nothing about.
A man that could be ten times more evil than any other man in this room.
Now not only am I the daughter of a cartel kingpin, but I’m also now owned by the cartel completely.
There will never be a way out.
Is there a word that can describe being beyond pissed off?
Whatever the word is, that's how I’m feeling right now. Everything inside of me is fucking boiling at Ronaldo’s words.
To a fucking stranger.
What kind of sick fuck arranges for his daughter to marry a man she doesn’t even know, all because he wants more power?
If you ask me, he’s basically selling his daughter off, and if I wasn't the man that I was, I sure as hell would be charging across the room and beating the shit out of him.
It’s already taking everything that I have in me to keep myself composed and not go to Isabella and take her in my arms.
But I can’t.
Because no one standing within these four walls knows exactly what is happening between me and Isabella. Leo has suspicions that something is going on, but he hasn’t come out and voiced them.
I know that because of the times I’ve caught him looking at Isabella and me when we are together this past month. I can see it in his eyes, in his expression. But the thing is, he may think knows what might be going on but he doesn’t know the extent of it. Not how I fully feel about his sister. I don’t even think that Isabella knows the extent of it either. She knows I love her, that I want to marry her, have kids with her, but maybe she doesn’t know everything that is in my heart, body and soul.
Isabella doesn’t know that she is everything to me.
She is everything that I want but cannot have, apparently. All because her father views me as nothing more than a man that will do his biddings. As someone who doesn’t deserve his daughter.
Yet someone like Emilio Castro is worthy of her.
The man, if you can even call him that, is fucking scum. He is a sick bastard from what I can tell, one that is probably only in this because he wants his daddy to have more money that he could inherit.
This is all a money grab for Ronaldo and the Castros and Isabella is the middle of it.
Not even an hour ago, Leo and I were in this office discussing some business with Ronaldo. After the meeting I was going to talk to him and Leo and tell them about me and Isabella. They were both there and they had a right to know what was going on behind closed doors. After that conversation was over, I was going to ask for her hand, like the good traditional boy my mother raised me to be.
But the meeting was cut short when the Castros showed up. It wasn’t out of the norm to have a smaller cartel come and speak to Ronaldo, but I found it strange when I was asked to get Isabella.
Why would she be involved in cartel business?
But I got up and went to retrieve her anyway.
Now I’m fucking regret it.
I feel my fingernails digging into the skin of my palm as I catch a glimpse of Emilio’s smug expression as he looks at Isabella.
If I could beat the look off his face I would, but like fucking always I have to keep myself composed.