Page 12 of Powerful Deception
They are talking about his club.
Fuck. I knew coming to the bar was going to be beneficial, but I didn’t think it would be this quick.
My insides want to jump for joy, but I keep myself in control and listen to the rest of what they say. Especially if it has to do with that club and Rosetti.
“Really? I would have thought that he would have had them somewhere else.” The woman interjects.
“Would you want a strange woman in your private space? I wouldn’t. I think he’s smart for having them there. Vets the ones that are serious about the position.” the man tells her.
I’m trying to piece all the information together but whatever they are talking about is just jumbled up pieces
Is he in this conversation, Rosetti? It has to be, right?
“I guess you’re right. Think I should apply?” I can hear hope in the woman’s voice, like this is her moment to shine.
“To tell you the truth, you may have the experience but to work under Dante Rosetti is a hard feat. Especially with this type of position. I say you skip this one.”
The woman lets out a loud sigh that even I can hear. “But I’m sure it’s good money.”
The man snorts. “I’m sure it is, but,” he pauses and for a few seconds I think that I missed what he said but then I hear a whisper. “You don’t want to be working for the devil.”
A chill runs down my spine when I hear the words. I don’t know why but it does something to me and I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing.
“Yeah, that is true. I feel bad for whatever girl he picks,” the woman muses in a normal voice.
“Whoever it is, that person and every single person that interviews for the position has balls. I wouldn’t even be able to make it through the doors of Perversa.” I swear the guy shutters as he says the words.
What can possibly be so bad about a strip club? I’ve never been, but it can’t be so bad that it would make a grown man shutter.
“Do you know when he’s doing it? I may know a friend that would be interested in applying. She knows how to work with those types of men.”
“This Friday. I think she has to call Perversa and speak to an Evelyn about it, but that’s all I know.” The guy answers her and then he shifts the conversation to something else.
My food is all but forgotten as I piece together everything that the pair had said.
Dante Rosetti is interviewing women at his club this coming Friday.
He’s probably looking for new dancers for his line up and since it’s the most exclusive club there is, he is only hiring one.
This could be my chance.
If I interview, there is a chance that he could pick me, and I would have a direct line to him. I would be able to get close enough to come up with something to put an end to him.
I’ve worked in a bar for years and I know a thing or two about showing off my body for tips. There might be a chance that I can get this position. If it doesn’t work, then I will come up with something else, but for right now, this is it. This is all I got.
This is what I have to do.
With my mind set, I grab my plate and head to the restroom to look up the number for the club.
As I reach the back door I come up with a plan.
I will interview with Dante Rosetti, I will show him I’m the best girl for the job. Then I will keep my fingers crossed that he picks me.
And if he does, I will work to bring him down from the inside out. I will hit him where it hurts, and he will never see a thing coming.
Just like my father never saw his death coming.
Dante Rosetti will be the first to pay for his actions, and it will be at my hands.