Page 34 of Powerful Deception
Places within the house that are solely for Rosetti, I’m guessing.
“I know it’s a lot, but I think that within the next few days, you will get the hang of things. Especially with your education.”
Right, my education.
I may have used a fake name on my paperwork, but I didn’t lie when I told Rosetti about my degree.
There was a time in my life when I wanted to be a teacher. It was a month or so after I graduated that I decided that teaching wasn’t the route for me, and I became a bartender.
Now here I am about to finally use my degree by becoming a nanny for a mafia boss.
“You’re right,” I tell her truthfully. “I’m just a little nervous about taking on a new job.”
“Don’t be. You’ll do great.” She gives me a genuine smile before looking down at her watch. “It’s almost time to start getting the kids ready for their day. Should we go introduce you to them?”
I nod and give a smile even though everything inside of me is churning with dread.
I’m really doing this.
My breathing is erratic as I follow Evelyn through the house again and up the stairs, and it becomes even more when we walk into a nursery.
The nursery doesn’t affect me much.
No, what’s affecting me is the man wearing a suit sitting on a rocker in the corner with a baby in his arms.
And it’s affecting me even more when his eyes meet mine and I fucking swear, the world stand still.
His eyes bore into me, and I can feel them deep inside of me.
In a different world I would have said this man is absolutely gorgeous, even more so with a baby in his arms. In that world I would let him do what he wants to me.
But I’m not in that world and as I stand here feeling his stare at me, I swear he can see right through me.
Fuck, why did I think this was a good idea?
“You better be right about this.” I say through my teeth as I stand next to Evelyn as we watch Arianna interact with my son.
As much as I hate the fact that a woman, one I know lied about who she is, is watching over my kids, Evelyn was right.
I need more help than what I had. I needed someone to concentrate on only the kids and not on the million other things they had to do on top of that.
But like I said before, I sure fucking hope it doesn’t come and bite me in the ass.
“I will be. You’ll see. She is perfect for the job.” She gives me an overly sweet smile and I swear I see her eye twitch trying not to roll her eyes.
“You know if you weren’t like a sister to me, I would fire your ass for bringing in an unqualified woman into the interview.”
Evelyn shrugs. “What’s done is done. Look at her with Angel, he loves her.”
My eyes move to my assistant to the two individuals in the room.
Angel and Arianna are sitting on the floor together and my son is laughing like there isn’t a strange woman sliding a toy truck to him.
“He’s not even a year old. He doesn’t know who she is. Of course, he’s happy.” The kid would be happy if I put him in a pile of mud and left him there all day.
“You stress too much.” Evelyn throws at me, the eye roll finally escaping.