Page 46 of Powerful Deception
Moving in was a good thing, and I was going to grasp at it as long as it was handed to me. And Dante was handing it to me.
The poor bastard, he doesn’t know what’s coming for him.
Well, I don’t know either, but still.
After I concluded that I was moving in, I went downstairs and told Dante yes. It wasn’t really a question, but I still agreed to move in.
For the rest of the night, I watched the kids while he went to the club, and I got together with Evelyn to plan out everything.
Like which room in the humongous house was going to be mine.
To my surprise, she put me in the last empty room that the second floor had to offer. It was its separate wing, but it was still close enough to the kids if they needed anything at night.
The day after, I brought over only my essentials, because I wasn’t going to empty out my apartment for this, and officially moved in.
As to why I’m barely unpacking three weeks later at two in the morning? Because the kids have kept me busy.
Sure, I spent twelve hours a day with them for a week, but that’s nothing compared to watching them twenty-four seven.
Okay, I’m not watching them all day, Dante does take over after a certain time on nights that he doesn’t go to the club. It’s still a lot more than the first five days.
So, I’m finally making my new living quarters actually look livable.
My bathroom is done, and so is my closet since I didn’t bring many articles of clothing. Now I just have my bedroom left and the small living room area.
Yes, my room has a living room. If it had a kitchen I would never want to move out.
I look over at the bed and I sigh at how tempting it looks. I just want to crawl under my covers and fall asleep, but I have to power through.
Tomorrow is my day off and I need to finish this tonight so I can sleep in and then go over to the cemetery to visit my dad.
Something that I haven’t done since he died.
But tomorrow I’m making myself do it. Tomorrow I will get a cab or call an uber and I will go to the cemetery.
Because tomorrow is his birthday and I owe him that much. And maybe after I visit him, my head will be clearer.
Maybe then I will have a clear plan on how to take down Dante once and for all, and if I could do it without hurting his children, the better.
Because what I thought would happen, did. I’ve gotten attached to Alessandra and Angel and its scary how quickly it happened.
Ever since I realized just how much I cared for them, I’ve been trying to come up with a different plan that would move everything along faster.
I have yet to come up with anything.
Hopefully going to visit my dad’s gravesite will help me a bit.
Fuck. Well, there goes my mood. I went almost a whole day without thinking about why I’m really here and bringing pain to the kids and now I feel depressed.
I need sugar.
Giving up on my room for the moment, I slip on slippers and head downstairs to the kitchen in just my t-shirt.
Maybe I can grab some of the kids’ fruit snacks since that’s the only sugar Dante lets them have.
I should start sneaking in sugary stuff and hide in my room, I bet the kids will love it. Some cereal, powdered donuts and peanut butter cups are definitely needed. Maybe I’ll stop by the store on my way back from the cemetery tomorrow.
Concentrating on my sugar filled grocery list, I get to the kitchen and turn on the light, illuminating the room.