Page 29 of Golden Darkness
“How did you know that?”
Janessa looked at him with a grin. “With three rounds of education, I am a really quick study. Sacred objects was a course that was fun. Thanks for plugging me in again last night after I passed out.”
She picked it up and handled it, then put it back in the box. “Tell them that it has been touched by a bipedal female that cycles every twenty-eight days. That will go a long way to calming them.”
He closed the box. “Thank you for that. Prithic?”
“Prithic. Just look for any ads or want ads mentioning the orb.” She grinned. “I will go looking for the next object.”
“Thank you, and, pet?” He looked at her.
He kissed her softly. “Thank you for being you.”
She was still standing and staring at the door when he left. The closing of the door startled her into action, and she went for another crate and identified another item on the list. This was a fun way to spend a morning and walk off the aches in her thighs and belly from the night before.
She was on top of a cargo container and making notes to match it with a number on the manifest.
“Why is my precious all the way up there?” Kethen grinned up at her.
“This is where the tracking number was.” She stood up, just out of reach of him. “Neener. You can’t get me.”
He chuckled, spread his wings, stroking them downward, and landed next to her on the container.
“Oh. Right. Wings. Not just blankets,” she mumbled, and he swooped forward and caught her up.
She squeaked, and he glided back down to the ground. “Time for lunch, Pet.”
She felt that it was now officially a name. Pet. That was her name now. She was good with it.
Over her lunch of odd-coloured stir fry, they discussed the pieces she had found, and he now had a larger list of species to contact.
Janessa felt really good, physically doing something for the first time in months. She looked down at her dress. “I am going to be really hard on clothing once we get into a normal routine.”
He chuckled. “When the court on Keth gets a hold of you, you are going to be swathed in silks and jewels. I believe everyone has despaired of me finding a mate after all these years.”
“What is thought of as a throne world. I am trying to finish up our tasks and get numbers for reparations so we can return home and settle down.”
“Settle down?”
“Work on coaxing an offspring out of you.” He smiled. “Hmrain gestation takes nearly four seasons.”
She blinked. “Oh. Goody. You actually are intending to try and breed with me?”
“Yes, and I intend to practice at every opportunity. When you are completely restored, I will double my efforts.”
“Uh, how will we know when that moment is with us?”
“Do you wake up with cum between your thighs?” He grinned.
“Uh, no. Surprisingly not sticky... considering.”
“When your body no longer needs the material, it will cease to absorb it.”
“Oh. Yay!” She muttered weakly.