Page 47 of Golden Darkness
She was still sticky and throbbing when he led her out of the shuttle. Then he handed his secure case over to a male in livery, and then, Kethen pulled her into his embrace, and he flew toward the large stone building in the centre of the city.
She froze as his wings climbed higher, and there was a cheer from his people below. He flew directly to the stronghold in the centre of the city.
His wings carried them silently through the air, and she held her breath as he landed. She was pale and shaking when he was standing on the tiled roof.
Kethen looked down at her and frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Uh, would you believe I wasn’t really sure you could fly?”
He paused, glanced at his wings, and then he chuckled. “I can.”
“I have noticed.”
He kissed the top of her head. “I will take you on a tour soon. For now, I must catch up on the business of watching over my people.”
“Uh, right. Of course.” She was suddenly very nervous with the Kethic attendants staring at them.
The older male in the house livery walked up and bowed. “Overlord, I will take care of your companion.”
She was carefully set on her feet, and he kissed her and stroked her hair. “I will be back for you soon, Pet.”
Janessa nodded. “See you soon, Kethen.”
There were audible gasps from the Kethic, and she was taken into the custody of the older guy and led into the building.
She didn’t have a good feeling about where he was taking her, and when she was introduced to the half-dozen alien women in silks and jewels who occupied the women’s quarters, she was sure of it. She was part of a collection; they had already opened her luggage and destroyed her clothing. When she saw the archive crystal smashed, she went crazy.
* * * *
Kethen was going over reports when his majordomo returned. “Yerao, have you settled her in my quarters?”
The older man snorted in derision. “She has been settled in the women’s quarters, Overlord.”
Kethen froze. “She is not just support, Yerao. She is my mate.”
He turned and looked at the man who had been with him since he was a child. “How many have you stocked?”
“Uh, a standard six, Overlord. They were briefed that you were bringing in a new female.”
Pet’s voice rang out, “It was not a nice welcome, and they smashed my crystal.”
Kethen looked at her. Her body was covered with scratch marks, her clothing was shredded, and her eyes were red.
Yerao cleared his throat. “I will take care of her, Overlord Kethen.”
Kethen walked over to her and lowered his head to her shoulder. The blood was hers, but her knuckles were covered with different blood. “They attacked you?”
“They wanted to show me my place. They broke everything. Even the hair strands you gave me.” She was sad but cold. “You could have told me that you didn’t want only me.”
“I do, Pet. You are the only mate I have ever had. Yerao should have asked. I know that the captain told him you were my mate. I was there.” He gathered her to him and lifted her in his arms. She whimpered, and he was filled with rage. “He is going to be relieved of his post and lucky that it wasn’t his life.”
She whispered in his ear, and he smiled through his fury. “I will send medics to the women’s quarters. I have seen what you can do, Pet.”
She nodded, and he nuzzled her, watching her wounds heal as she relaxed. When she was whole again, he crooned to her until she no longer had the tense insecurity on her face.
“Overlord, what crystal was she talking about?”
“A copy of the Terran archive. The last bit of her world that she has.”