Page 108 of Lost in the Dark
“Selvyn!” I screeched. “It isn’t funny.”
A portion of my leg was exposed and he ran his finger along it, pebbling my skin. “Needy little human,” he murmured, before nipping playfully at my ear.
I let out a breathy moan and rubbed my hand along his chest.
“Selvyn…why didn’t you let me kiss you earlier?” My voice was a low whisper, a sound I could just barely hear over the rapid thump of my beating heart.
Selvyn peered down at me, tilting his head to the side thoughtfully before caressing my cheek with his thumb. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve kissed someone. And how could you possibly want to kiss me, little fallen angel?”
My soul shattered the moment he spoke those words. He’d been mistreated and alone for so long that he actually believed he wasn’t worthy of love and affection because of what he was.
“What was it you said to me? Don’t ever let that make you feel like you aren’t worthy. Or that you’re less than.” I cupped his face with my hand, the heat of his body warming my palm. “You’re something precious. At least to me.”
The corner of his mouth lilted up into a shy smile, and I leaned forward to press my mouth to his in a quick kiss.
“Was that so bad?” I asked as I pulled away.
“Even better than I imagined,” he muttered under his breath.
My cheeks flared red, and I was thankful for the low lighting.
Selvyn had thought about kissing me.
There was more to this cave and this cambion than I’d thought. And what was this growing tension between the two of us?
Selvyn and I were quiet after that.
It seemed that we were both lost in thought over the modest kiss we’d shared. I couldn’t help but wonder if there were others that Selvyn had charmed like this. Surely I couldn’t be the first attractive woman to find my way into his cave.
As we turned a corner, the pungent aroma of sulfur stung my nostrils.
“Goodness, what is that smell? Where are you taking me?” I asked, my fingers pinching the bridge of my nose.
Selvyn let out a bellowing laugh. “Are you always so inquisitive? It’s only a bit further now.”
He continued walking and eventually the white glow of sunlight began filtering into the tunnel. I had to cover my sensitive eyes.
How long had I been in the dark? It seemed as if my concept of night and day had blurred in my time beneath the tunnel.
In my time with Selvyn.
“Open your eyes,” he said.
When I removed my hand, I was met with the sight of a large cavern. Light drifted down from an opening in the ceiling and illuminated a steaming pool of bright blue water.
“It’s beautiful. What is this place?” I asked as Selvyn set me on my feet, his giant hand gripping my elbow to steady me.
“It’s a hot spring. There are a few under the mountain, but this one is my favorite. I have to change your bandages, and I thought you might like to bathe.”
I looked down at the dirt coating me like a second skin, and the dusty strips of leather covering my feet.
This being that I’d grown up fearing was so thoughtful. So sweet.
Selvyn removed several furs from his satchel and spread them on the ground.
“Have a seat,” he said, patting the makeshift bed next to him.
I hobbled over on shaky legs and sat down on the plush pile. I was more tired than I’d realized.