Page 165 of Lost in the Dark
“Get out of her, you demon!” My rage grows to epic proportions at what I’m witnessing.
She smiles demonically, laughs, and runs away. The rest of the room turns to look at us curiously as I chase after her.
“What’s going on…”
The woman runs into the orderly who was standing by the door and climbs up his body, shoving her little fingers into his mouth and eyes, trying to tear him open. He screams in pain as his mouth rips wider at the sides. The little woman continues to laugh and pull with all her might.
I’m pissed that Astar is playing around this many people, pissed that he jumped into someone else’s body.
Grabbing her by the back of her hair, I peel her off and her nails score the orderly’s face, leaving red welts in her wake. He howls in pain once more, sending the rest of the staff who might have been lingering in the hallway this way.
Snapping at his face to make him shut up, I then turn and scream for Astar to vacate his chosen flesh suit.
The staff tackles both me and the girl, taking us to the ground with a crunch to my skull as my head hits the tile floor. I growl and struggle, turning my head to see an innocent-looking, whimpering, fragile female, crying as one of the workers holds her in comfort.
When she picks her head up to look at me, Astar’s laughing eyes stare back for a few moments before flicking out into darkness.
“Cooyon’s on lockdown now.”
I turn my head to see the Cajun leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, staring at me on this bed while my limbs are tied down.
I can’t even cross my damn legs to get comfortable enough for a nap. This place is for the birds. I should have checked out of this crazy hotel a long time ago.
A chitter echoes softly beside me and I groan in exasperation. I’m not feeling for his company just yet.
“Like what you see, Cajun? Does it turn you on that I’m tied down and you have all the power over me?” I’m taunting him.I know it.But it’s been boring laying here, staring at the walls.
“You keep your demons to yourself, right where you are. I knew you were nothing but trouble the moment my eyes landed on you.”
“Yeah? It takes one to know one. I kinda like where I am, thank you very much. You can just take your sorry ass to go bug someone else, T-boy. I’m not in the position to entertain at the moment.” I shake my short-chained, soft wrist cuffs in emphasis, smiling.
He curls his lips in a snarl and stomps into the room.Well, this is a turn of events.
He leans in and I can feel his breath fanning my face as spittle flies out in his anger. “You’re all the same here. Waiting to infect the people around you. You need to keep your sorry ass away from me, you hear?”
His challenge makes my balls ache, simply for the fact that I’m so tense, wanting to throw a punch in his face, but he knows I can’t. He gives me a sinister smile and I snap my jaws in the air in warning. Laughing out loud, he jumps back like I’ve spooked him.Good.
Something slithers on my skin and my neck itches. I throw a joker smile his way. He glowers in response, staring at me like I’ve lost my damn mind.
But my mirth is short lived when, instead of Astar merging with me, he jumps into the Cajun. I growl and pull at my restraints to stop him, but it’s no use.
The Cajun shakes his head and his eyes flame for a second when they land on me. Always a stupid game with him.
“You know, Astar. You’re starting to really piss me off.”
“You’re just a little tense. You need toloosen up.”
I bark out a laugh and pull at my restraints again. “You’re messing with my head, demon. That joke is not even a funny one.”
One moment I’m on my back, the next smoke covers me, and I find myself on my stomach. What the hell just happened? There’s a weight on top of me and things start clicking into place.
The Cajun purrs behind my ear, his voice mixed with a multivoice that I recognize, and it does something weird to me. It’s creating havoc in my mind. “We like to play. You just need to relax, then all will be well again. Your mind is dark, and we hunger for you to feed us.”
“Get off me, Astar.”
His black tongue licks the mark, and I can’t help my dick’s response. My cock pushes against the bed more and more as Astar’s tail slithers inside the waist of my pants.
I shouldn’t be fucking horny when it’s the Cajun behind me. I should be fuckingfurious.