Page 186 of Lost in the Dark
“A fine addition. This one resembles an imp of my realm. It possesses the same devious smile,” he adds, handing me the lit candle that he can manipulate.
I smile my thanks as I accept it. “You say that about all of the jack-o-lanterns.”
His wings shrug, a crooked grin curling his lips. “That is because they all do. It is obvious you desire to set a pack of imps on your doorstep to frighten away the restless and unkind spirits. A good plan,” he approves. “Imps rather enjoy eating what they catch as well so this is quite useful.”
I cock an eyebrow in amusement. “Oh yeah?” Shaking my head, I glance down at my little army of pumpkins and grin. “Well then, it’s perfect. I’ll slide these out onto the porch, and we can wait for trick-or-treaters. We always have a ton of kids roaming the neighborhood on Halloween. It’s so much fun. You just wait and see.”
It takes me more effort to put them on the porch than I would have thought. I can barely seem to carry them through the door, and only just barely avoid dropping the biggest of the bunch. My legs and arms tremble with the effort as I finally put it down. Frowning down at it, I straighten and return inside with Gralius hovering anxiously behind me as I fetch another pumpkin and then another. By the time all the jack-o-lanterns are on the porch, I am exhausted and drop to the couch with a yawn.
Flopping back against the plush cushions, I groan, ignoring the dirty look that Nutella gives me before the cat scurries off to another part of the house. “That shouldn’t have been as hard as it was. I honestly feel like a strong wind could blow me over right now. Maybe I made the wrong costume choice. I should have gotten a ghost costume,” I chuckle. “But that’s okay, I’m one damn fine witch.”
I gesture to myself to indicate my non-costume since I never made it out to go shopping, but for whatever reason, the joke falls flat and Gralius doesn’t laugh. He stares down at me quietly with his silver eyes. His mouth thins a little with concern, but I wave it off.
“I’m fine,” I assure him.
He doesn’t comment but hovers over me anxiously until I pull him down onto the couch beside me. The sigh that comes from him sounds almost hollow and ghostly, but I think nothing of it when he settles onto the couch beside me and pulls me into his lap, his tail curling around my waist in a protective hold that makes me feel safe. I give a happy sigh when his wings follow as they curve around me, warding off the chill that has been plaguing me relentlessly all day.
I love how much he likes to cuddle. He doesn’t get annoyed after a while and push me off but holds me close, wrapped around me as much as he can get. Because of that, I feel no awkwardness sitting in his lap like this, and after several minutes I feel his chest rumble with a purr, bringing a smile to my face.
Turning my face toward the window, I watch as the sun inches its way across the sky. I have no real sense of time. There’s no urgency to do anything or the sense of restlessness that I usually get when I’ve been sitting in one place for too long. The activity on the street picks up as children run by clad in various costumes. Gralius’s head turns to watch the parade of various monsters, witches, and brightly colored characters, and he hums thoughtfully in the back of his throat.
I wait for a knock at the door or the doorbell to ring, but it never comes. I watch as children slow in front of the house, practically piling on each other as they stare up at the door, but each of them runs off, practically clinging to each other as their nervous giggles follow them. Not one ventures more than a few steps toward the front door, and that is odd.
I’ve always had trick-or-treaters. Seeing the kids in their costumes as they crowd my door is always the highlight of my year. I frown as, little by little, the activity slows until only the occasional older kid can be seen hurrying by the house. An hour later, there is not even that. The sky is dark, lights of jack-o-lanterns and various decorations flickering from neighbors’ porches and yards. Leaves tumble down the street, but everything is outside is otherwise silent, another Halloween gone.
Sighing in disappointment, I shift on Gralius’s lap and make to rise. The candles in the pumpkins will burn themselves out soon enough, but I might as well put up the candy. Trish is due back tomorrow, and I know she will have a fit if she sees this mess. It takes some effort to extricate myself from my demon, the sound of protest that he makes pulling at my heartstrings.
Not to be waylaid by my cuddle demon, I giggle as I evade grabbing hands that are determined to keep me in place and climb to my feet. His narrowed eyes peer up at me, his hands flat against his thighs, fingers twitching as if he’s barely resisting making another grab for me. At his sides, his wings spread wide, filling the rest of the couch and spilling over the edges with a soft appearance that’s incredibly inviting. His expression darkens with impatience as I give a little wiggle and dance out of his reach, earning me a growl promising retribution.
“Don’t be like that. We’ve sat here long enough,” I tease, laughing when he suddenly lunges forward, wrapping his tail and arms around me.
Rather than sit back down, he rises to his full height, lifting me high against his chest.
“Excellent idea,” he rumbles.
A shout of laughter escapes as he carries me over to the bedroom, and it only gets louder at the look of disgust he gives the mushroom still dominating my bed before he drops me on it. Bouncing slightly on the mattress, I shove the plushie onto the floor as I crawl back, making room for him to join me on the bed, my heated gaze traveling over him as he strips off the black robe, boots, and pants that comprise his attire. It is easy to get distracted by the baring off all that muscled flesh, but I wiggle out of my clothes, suddenly very much on board with his diversion.
The damn candy can wait when there are demon lollipops waiting to be licked.
Crawling across the bed, my fingers curling around the pair of dicks pushing up proudly from Gralius’s body. They could almost be mistaken for what a human man might possess except that they’re incredibly wide, much more than any man I’ve ever seen, only tapering halfway up to a spear-like tip. More than that, they move on their own, which just makes my pussy clench, greedy to get them into me. Both dicks writhe in my hands, but Gralius’s hand wraps around my throat, tugging me back from them.
As sweet as he is, I love this side of him that comes out when we are intimate. The dominance that I’m sure others see in far less pleasant ways, that makes him a formidable foe, manifest in a pure sexual control that makes me wet for him.
With a low growl, his lips peeling back to reveal his lethal teeth, he pushes me back onto the bed, his body dropping over mine. I can feel his tail teasing my folds as the tip curls and flicks, spreading my slick. I shiver in his hold, my breath speeding to rapid pants as his tongue explores my neck, his teeth scraping over my pulse. He doesn’t bite, but the tease is enough that I dig my fingernails into his shoulders,, scoring deep as I wriggle against him. His wings fan over us almost leisurely, but they are the one thing that tells of how much his own passions are roused that he can’t keep them still. To have this much power to arouse such a strong response is intoxicating.
“Brace yourself,” he rasps against the spot just above his hand on my neck as one of his cocks sinks deep into my pussy.
I nearly go cross-eyed at the delicious, continuous stretch as I feel it burrow deep, my hips jerking up to meet his as he finally bottoms out, hitting all the delicious spots that make me cry out in pleasure. My thighs quiver as they wrap around him, his tail curling around my right leg, keeping it in place. He pumps his hips a few times, his cock rubbing as it writhes within me, until I gush with a fresh flood of arousal. He pulls back slightly until he comes dangerously close to pulling free completely, but then I feel it, the brush of a second head against my pussy lips.
I whimper in disbelief, realizing suddenly by what he meant by brace. I have no real opportunity to think about it before it too presses in, taking me in a way that none other ever has, marking me forever as his as his tail pushes into my ass, filling me completely. Overwhelmed, I cry out as they begin to move within me, his body rocking over mine as his tail and dicks move independently within me, stroking previously unknown pleasure spots. His hand squeezes slightly, multiplying the pleasure as lights burst behind my eyes. I can feel myself spinning out of control, my pleasure spiking.
“Do not cum yet,” he growls, and my breath nearly stutters with shock when I feel the edge of it ease off just enough to keep from plummeting into bliss.
I pant and cry out as his body works mine, his thrusts becoming more primal as he ruts into me with abandon. His control is cracked but still he commands his hold over me even as I quiver beneath him, the continuing rise of pleasure beyond what is endurable until it borders on an ecstatically sweet pain that becomes even more pronounced when his cocks swell. The stacked rub of the knots from his two cocks rubbing back and forth where they are lodged makes my back arch, a cry falling from my lips as my pussy flutters around them.
Above me, Gralius snarls, the upper half of his cocks whipping back and forth against my womb as his tail plunges in and out, stroking against them through the barrier. The first jet of his released seed makes me scream as I clench around him, the pleasure seizing my entire body with the need for release. I nearly weep with relief when his growled words reach my ears.
“Cum. Now.”