Page 175 of Devil's Kiss
Iroll my head to the side and groan. Someone strokes my cheek, and I open my eyes.
At first, my vision is hazy, but when everything comes into focus, I find myself staring at a gray concrete wall. The light around me reminds me of the kind you’d use for a storage room.
My cheek is stroked again, and I turn my head to find Dad hovering over me. He has a long beard, blood-shot eyes, and his face looks like someone did a number on him.
We’re on the floor, and my head is nestled in his lap. It takes me a moment for my brain to connect and remember. Remember all he did and what he took from me. My family and my life.
The instant I remember, I scream and jump out of his hold.
“Get away from me!” The panic in my voice is mixed with rage and fear.
“Anastasia, please.”
I back away into a wall, crashing hard against the surface. Then I notice the real problem we’ve found ourselves in.
We’re in some sort of cell, and while I am free, there are chains attached to Dad’s ankles, keeping him confined to the wall.
I look around the small unit that does indeed look like a storage room. Except I’ve never been in one that was equipped with chains to hold a person, or people, captive.
It’s a standard box room with a metal door, but there are chains with manacles all along the wall Dad is on.
I recall how I got here and how Desmier has been looking for my dad, who isn’t really my father. I’ve just found him, and he’s in the same situation as me.
Mira and Viktor. I remember what they said and did.
I remember the truth Viktor revealed just before he knocked me out.
But what’s happening now?
“Tell me what’s going on.” Although tears burn my eyes, I hold them back. I can’t fall apart here. I mustn’t. “Where are we?”
“At one of Mira’s secret facilities. They’re keeping us here for transportation.”
“To where?” My voice rises by several octaves.
“No. They’re not taking me.”
“Anastasia, please calm yourself. It’s not good for you to get worked up in your condition.” He searches my eyes, and I guess he knows I’m pregnant. “They told me about the baby.”
“Did they also tell you they’re going to try and take it from me?” Saying those words hurt my heart. I’ve only just found out about the life growing inside me and had it threatened in the same breath.
“Not if I can help it. I’m going to try and get you out.” There’s a different determination in his eyes I’ve never seen before, but I don’t know how the hell he plans to do anything to help me when he’s a prisoner, too.
“How are you going to do that?”
“I don’t know yet, but I have to try. You are my daughter.” A tear runs down his cheek, and he nods. “It’s my duty to take care of you.”
He sounds like the man I know, but he’s too late to fix anything with me.
“I’m not your daughter. You killed my parents, and all of this is happening because of you.”
He dries his tears and brings his hand to his head. “I’m so sorry.”