Page 63 of Devil's Kiss
The water flow over my head slows to a light spray and a hand slides across the flat planes of my stomach.
Whipping around, I turn to see Desmier and my heart lunges into my throat.
Fuck. He’s inherewith me.
Naked, naked.
Before I can even think of getting away, he barricades me in, setting his giant palms on the wall either side of me.
His big strong biceps seem to ripple under the water’s flow and the vigorous definition in his muscles stops me from trying to break free. My hands would probably snap off if I braved the attempt.
Since I can’t escape, I do the next best thing. I cover my breasts, lock my legs, and keep still like I’m playing possum, pretending to be dead.
“What the hell are you doing?” My voice chokes with the fright seizing my lungs.
“I was about to ask you the same thing, Valkyrie.” A saucy smile flirts with his lips. “Your head was practically between your legs. Looked kind of kinky. Couldn’t be sure though. Never can tell with you daddy’s-little-girl types. But your ass looked great.”
Oh my God.
My nerves sizzle with annoyance and embarrassment. Every time this man speaks he manages to shock me worse than the last time.
“I’m not a daddy’s-little-girl type.” Especially not now. I don’t know when I’ll ever forgive my father for what he’s done to me.
“Yes you are.” He gives me a light chuckle, making me think this is the jovial version of him.
“Whatever. I’m bathing. Can’t I at least have some privacy?”
“No, you can’t. Everything is mine, including you. So things like privacy no longer exist.”
“You’re such an asshole.”
“Yes I am.” Flashing me a deadly smile, he straightens and runs a hand through his hair.
Then, against my better judgment, I allow my wanton eyes to drift over his body.
This is the first we’ve seen of each other since the other night and for some ungodly reason, he looks hotter than he did before. It’s his beard. It’s fuller.
And with his wet hair sticking to his skin, it gives a better view of the precise sculpt of his angular face. I’m sureFHMwouldn’t hesitate to christen him ‘the world’s sexiest’ in their next issue.
I watch the water spraying over his body. His perfect, naked body with his cock already erect and massive, bobbing between his legs.
And oh God, I looked at it. Again.
I look away, but now Desmier is grinning at me because he caught me looking at his dick. My skin has turned several shades of crimson, so I can’t even hide my embarrassment.
“I already told you if it pleases you to look, then look.” He lowers his voice purposely, making it sound velvety smooth and sensual.
“It doesn’t please me.” He wouldn’t know I’m looking because, of course he’s hot, but he’s the first naked man I’ve ever seen.
“Well I much prefer you this way.” He leans back in and pulls my hands away from my breasts, then parts my legs so he can look at my pussy properly. “Don’t hide yourself from me.”
The same wild look from the other night comes into his eyes and I’m glad the water is pouring over us because I can feel my arousal gathering between my thighs.
Something must be really wrong with me if I can be aroused by my captor.
The man is dangerous and will probably kill me when all is said and done.