Page 82 of Devil's Kiss
“Yes it does mean that.” And it’s something I have to be aware of. The worst thing that could happen is to get blindsided by someone I never saw coming.
“You have more eyes than me and our father’s personal security team at your command, as well as your own. If we were working together it would be more hands, less work.”
He’s right. And that’s a very clever way of asking for my help. It’s just that even if Viktor or whoever hadn’t poisoned the old man, I planned to kill him the same way he had my mother killed. Knight’s law or not.
Nevertheless, Zakh has raised points I would be foolish to ignore. I don’t have to care about our father to work together with him and accomplish a common goal. Zakh has already proven his worth by telling me about the vineyard. I wouldn’t have gotten that information on my own.
“I agree.”
“Does that mean you’ll do it?” He looks hopeful.
“Yes. And I think I just chose the new Obshchak.”
He smiles wide and stretches his hand out to shake mine.
“Thank you, brother. Pleasure doing business with you.”
“It certainly has been.”
Viktor is going to be more enraged with me when he finds out I’ve chosen Zakh, but that’s his problem.
I won’t rule him out completely though.
The best thing to do with an asshole like him is keep him right where I can see him. That way I’ll know if he’s planning to kill me, or trying to get his woman back.
Good luck on both, Viktor.
You’ll need all the luck in the world if you plan to come for me.
Irest my hands on the windowpane, gazing at the beautiful, platinum-haired Valkyrie sitting by the poolside.
I’m standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor and she’s completely unaware of my presence.
I’m home in the breath of a break to see Anastasia for two reasons.
The first is my dick misses her mouth. The second is to give hermyengagement ring. Jayce is on his way with it now.
I’ve used the ring as the perfect excuse to come home and kill two birds with one clever idea. As I’m heading out to L.A. within the hour, I needed to get my fill.
Anastasia is reading what looks like a boring-as-fuck textbook. The sight of its thick pages turn my stomach, but the woman holding it makes the whole studious bookworm look sexy. Especially while wearing those black-rimmed fuck-me-I’m-a-hot-librarian glasses.
A blue skater dress clings to her body, lifting her tits and showing off smooth thighs. The only thing I don’t like is that bun on top of her head.
She wears her hair like that a lot. I don’t know why when she has the kind of locks a man likes to run his fingers through, or grip when he needs to fuck properly.
Still, I couldn’t care less about her hair when her body is made for all sorts of sin.
She’s completely engaged in her book, but the waning sunlight highlights the disturbed look on her beautiful, angelic face.
Is that look about the crest? Orme?
Or is she thinking about Viktor?
It’s understandable if she’s thinking about the crest. That’s the only thing I’ll allow because I haven’t stopped thinking about it either.