Page 94 of Devil's Kiss
Seeing him has brought everything home and pushed me out of the fantasy I was in with Desmier. Now I’m back in reality, I remember how our dream wedding was ruined, and so was the life we thought we were going to live.
“I’m sorry about that.” I speak first because I should. “I should have made sure he knew you didn’t know when you’d be able to see me.”
“That’s not your fault, Anastasia. It’s his. He’s the psychotic asshole who made me wait this long to see you. I’m sorry I couldn’t give a specific day. Things have changed a lot for me since he took over the company, and the delay in his trip delayed me too.”
As his voice seeps into me, the familiarity of him returns, but I know I’ve still changed.
“It’s fine, I understand.”
“Are you okay, Anastasia?”
I feel like there’s no right way to answer him, given that last phone conversation where he heard me orgasm and Desmier told him not to call me again.
“I’m fine.” I decide on the simple answer as it feels safer, although it sounds wrong. “Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m still pissed as fuck that I haven’t been able to do anything about this situation.”
“I know you would have done what you could.”
“I did. Has he told you any of what’s going on with the family?” He searches my eyes.
“What has he told you?”
Straight away I think about the shit about Dad and know I should hold my tongue. It’s strange how I was able to confide in Lorelai, knowing she’d take my secrets to her grave. But these are secrets I don’t think Viktor would keep. He’s a Knight. A high-ranking one who lives by the oaths they take and would die for them too. If my father’s crimes are as terrible as Desmier says they are, it would be Viktor’s duty to report them.
“He hasn’t told me anything.” I school my expression so he doesn’t suspect the lie. “I just know what the marriage contract stipulates. Is there anything else I should know? You mentioned what’s happening with the family.” I guessed there was so much more outside of what my father did to Desmier but, as always with him, he’s kept it from me.
“It’s nothing you should worry about.” He tries to school his expression too, but his eyes give him away and I can see he’s keeping things from me. “That guy has issues.”
I agree, but I have issues too. And they didn’t just come out of nowhere. Desmier doesn’t like Viktor, that much is clear, but that deep-seated fury was there from hello. I saw it at the wedding and I know it was directed at Viktor, not the others.
That is what he’s talking about and won’t tell me.
“Have you seen my father?” I decide to change the subject.
“Not so much. I heard he’s making preparations to go to Russia.”
“Russia? To live?”
“Most likely. He hasn’t said much to anyone.”
Because he can’t. Knowing my father, he’ll do his best to cover things so seamlessly no one would question his moves. But him going to Russia means it would be even more difficult to see him than it is now.
Viktor reaches out and takes my hand. “Don’t worry about your father, Anastasia. He can take care of himself. His one mission in life was always to take care of you, so please focus on that.”
“I will, and I am okay. I’m back at college and just focusing on my studies.”
As he studies my face, I know he’s thinking about me being here with Desmier. I sense if Lorelai picked up on the shift in my emotions, he does too.
He’s the only other person I’m close to who would know me that way.
I feel that I have to say something, if only to apologize.
“I’m sorry about that phone call.” My words come out in a stutter.
Now that he’s right in front of me, I realize how right I was about him being hurt. He is.