Page 6 of Heart of a Killer
“Skylar?” a soft feminine voice interrupts our moment, and Nicole holds me back at arm’s length.
“You got this, Sky.”
I grab her, needing one last hug before letting her leave without me.
The female staff member’s eyebrows draw together, and she taps my shoulder, pulling me out of the hug. “Come this way, Skylar. I’ll show you around the facility.”
I walk beside her, and I have to refrain from glancing back at Nicole. I know that if I do, I’ll turn around and leave this place forever. I might feel bad about it later, but this place is already turning my stomach, and I just walked in. My doubts roar inside my brain. They are hard to tamp down. I realize the woman has been talking this whole time.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“That’s okay. I know this can all be very overwhelming at first. I’ll start over. My name is Carrie. I’m part of the team here helping you accomplish your treatment goals and keep you on track with the schedule.” She continues walking, and the farther we get away from the front desk, the more the facility looks like a giant warehouse with multiple hallways.
“Was this an old church?” I can’t help the blunt question that shoots from my mouth, but she shows no mind or offense.
“Something like that. It’s being renovated, since this is a new facility entirely made by Dr. Benjamin.”
That only reassures me a little. At least she admits that this place does, in fact, look like an old catholic church on the outside. Makes it seem a little less like we are inThe Exorcistwhen even she can recognize this isn’t typically what a psychiatric facility is supposed to look like. She continues walking until we reach an open room with a couch, a few chairs, a T.V. set, and tables.
“This is the recreational room. The patients will hang out here in the mornings after breakfast while everyone gets their individual therapy sessions with Dr. Benjamin.”
I’m a little surprised because, in my mind, what’s shown in movies are group sessions. My shoulders relax a bit, but it still doesn’t mean I’ll be telling this doctor my deepest and darkest secrets.
“Yes, Dr. Benjamin has crafted the schedule to give everyone thirty minutes of individual therapy treatment. He feels that is better for healing, and group sessions aren’t instrumental in treatment. Plus, it gives everyone here a sense of privacy.”
I nod. A few patients begin arguing over the T.V. remote, and Carrie breaks off from our tour to break up the spat.
“Criss-cross, leather straps. Three marks the spot.” Standing to the side of the doorway, a patient I didn’t notice before grabs me hard by the arms. “Circle that, don’t look back, or you might get caught.” I tilt my head to the side and purse my lips. Confusion wraps around my brain because I have no idea where that came from.
“Let go of her, Sam. Go back to the rec room and watch T.V.,” Carrie commands, waving her hand and shooing the patient away. Sam shuffles back to a table where a checkers board is set up. The game looks half played and abandoned by its opponents. “Don’t worry about them.” She nods toward Sam. “They’re harmless.”
“Yes. We like to maintain patient’s preferred pronouns here.”
Wow!I can’t believe this place includes gender identity. I would have never thought that would be a standard courtesy to offer, especially in the south.
“What are they here for?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t talk about that. Patient confidentiality and all, but if they want to tell you, that’s a different story.”
I nod at her statement. It sounds like something a medical professional would say. She continues our facility tour, pointing to the cafeteria, the dormitory hallways, the outside rec area where smokers are allowed to go at designated times, and Dr. Benjamin’s office.
“It seems we have reached the end of our tour and just in time for your first therapy appointment. Are you ready?”
“If I say no, can we try again, another day?”
She chuckles softly at that and shakes her head. “No, I’m afraid not. You shouldn’t worry, though, Skylar. This is just your introduction and not a full-on therapy session.” She opens the door to the office, and I see a young-looking man with a light brown sweater sitting at his desk in front of a computer. After a minute of us standing there, he finally looks up. His eyes widen at the realization that we’ve been waiting.
He stands promptly, adjusting his clothes before rushing over to us. “Carrie, this must be my new patient?” He looks as if he’s trying to remember my name, and before I can tell him, he blurts it out. “Skylar.” Laughing as he holds his hand out. “Sorry, it’s been a long day already.” I don’t take his hand, making him look around awkwardly till he drops it. “Well, come on in and take a seat. Thank you, Carrie, for giving her the tour.”
Carrie gives him a small smile. “It’s no problem, sir.” She closes the door on her way out.
The room is spacious, with a lounge therapy chair, like the one I’ve seen in movies, a couch, and two chairs, giving a variety of options.
“I thought there wouldn’t be any group sessions.”