Page 35 of Cowboy Falling Hard
“Talk about low-key,” she finally said.
“Yeah. They just didn’t want a lot of fuss. Bryce isn’t a big crowd kind of person, and even when he was a ballplayer, he didn’t like a ton of attention. Peyton seems to be the same.”
“Miss Orchid, please let Owen come. I like him, and I’ll have someone to play with.”
“Oh. And Kendrick. Both of them. I told her I thought it would be fine.”
Orchid figured it was a compliment to her that he’d totally forgotten about the wedding and the kids he’d offered to watch when he walked in and started talking to her, but it amazed her that he had.
She nodded her head, trying not to look sad. It was hard, because her heart broke a little for Powell and her desire to have siblings. She and Powell had talked about it at times, but she never said anything to Daphne because she didn’t want to make her feel bad. There were just some things a person couldn’t change.
“Of course. I’d love it if Owen and Kendrick would spend the day with us. That’ll definitely make it more fun.”
They cleaned off the table, and Orchid sent Powell off to get ready for church.
“Thanks a lot for bringing the sweet rolls. I’d take something sweet over something savory for breakfast any day.”
“I have to admit, I overheard that in a conversation between Peyton and Bryce. They talked about how you often stopped in at Peyton’s shop, in particular when she had sweet breakfast items. She told me cinnamon rolls were your favorite.”
She almost accused him of cheating, but that wasn’t cheating. That was a sign that he cared about her.
Her mouth was open, and she stood with the plates in one hand and silverware in the other.
She didn’t know what to say. Thank him? After all, he cared enough to find out and then to actually get her something she liked.
“Was that something Miss Charlene suggested?”
“Asking all my friends what you like?” He grinned, unrepentant. “Not word for word, but the basic idea was there. Taking care to find out what you wanted, and then to go out of my way to make sure it happened.”
“I wonder if they want their kids to be at their wedding. Probably, right?” She hadn’t even thought, but that would mean maybe Dwight and she would witness the ceremony, too.
“That was the next thing I wanted to ask. I told her what I was doing with you today, and that’s when they said that they had been thinking about a small ceremony after church, if we’d keep Owen and Kendrick, and wanted to know if it was going to affect my plans. I didn’t want them to postpone their wedding because of me. And they asked if you’d be there, too. They wanted you to feel welcome. I hope you don’t mind?”
“I don’t think women ever mind going to weddings. It’s romantic and fun.”
His look said he wasn’t sure that she really meant that, but she did. She’d never been to a wedding that she didn’t enjoy.
They finished clearing off the table, and then she went to get ready for church, dressing up slightly more than what she might have if she hadn’t been attending a wedding afterward. Even if the wedding was casual, it was still a celebration, and she was excited for Peyton and Bryce. Both of them seemed like they deserved a happily ever after, and she hoped they got it.
Thinking back, she actually hoped she got her own happily ever after.
With Dwight?
She shook the thought out of her head. It was easy for someone to change for one day. Not as easy for the change to stick. Even though she understood why he was acting the way he had, and even though it made perfect sense to her, that didn’t mean that she wanted to marry someone like that.
Although, if this new one was the real, permanent Dwight... She was definitely interested.