Page 40 of Cowboy Falling Hard
“Wow. That’s a lot of work.” Orchid felt a bit guilty that she was going to go play and have a leisurely afternoon, knowing that her neighbor could use a helping hand.
“It sure is. I know I’m not going to be able to get it all done today, but I’m not getting anything done if I don’t get started. So I sat down and got started.”
Orchid nodded, looking around the kitchen again. “You don’t have very many jars. Are you freezing some?”
“I might have to. My knee just isn’t working well, and I was having trouble bringing the jars up from the cellar.”
“I can go down and get them if you want me to. The girls can carry some too if that’s okay.”
“That’d be a wonderful help, but I’m sure that’s not the reason you came.”
“No. It’s not. We were hoping that we could drive the four-wheelers back along your field and have a picnic by the pond.”
“Of course. You don’t have to ask.”
“I hate to do it without at least letting you know.”
“Well, you can rest assured you just let me know then. You don’t have to get the jars. I’ll figure something out.”
“We’ll do it.” She looked back at the girls. “Won’t we, girls?”
They nodded eagerly, like she figured they would. They were sweet girls, and most of the time, children had a heart to help, unless they’d been brought up to think that any kind of work was something to be complained about and put off. Neither one of these two had, which was as Orchid figured.
A lot of times, kids looked at work as just as much fun as anything else. Although, it was normally hard to try to put a good spin on doing beans, since most kids got bored sitting around, stuck in a chair, unable to get up and play.
Mrs. Brown told them where the jars were in the basement, and Orchid led the girls to the cellar door. She’d been down here a few times with Mrs. Brown, particularly in her high school years when she, Daphne, Lavender, and their other friend Katie had helped her some with cooking and canning and gardening.
It took six trips, but they brought all the jars up. Mrs. Brown was so appreciative, Orchid thought she might cry. She definitely had tears in her eyes, and she thanked them again and again.
They talked a little about how Orchid’s mom was and Mrs. Brown’s boys, and then Orchid thanked her and walked out of the kitchen with Kendrick and Powell.
Feeling guilty.
That was a lot of beans for one person to do alone.
She walked slowly to the four-wheelers, but Dwight was nowhere in sight. It surprised Orchid that he wasn’t waiting since they’d spent so much time getting the jars. She thought for sure Dwight would be done talking and would be waiting on them.
“Let’s walk over to the barn, okay, girls?”
“Yeah! I love playing in the barn.” Powell grabbed a hold of Kendrick’s arm and practically dragged her across the yard, chattering the whole time about how much fun it was to play in the barn, how there was still some grain in the granaries and how she loved wading through it, and how she played house in the hayloft.
Orchid smiled good-naturedly and followed more sedately, still wishing there was something she could do to help Mrs. Brown.
Maybe once they were done with their picnic, she could stop and help for a few hours this evening. Although she hated to do that to Dwight.
So, she did the next best thing and said a short prayer.
Lord, please send Mrs. Brown some help.