Page 58 of Cowboy Falling Hard
“Doesn’t she have a sister in Rochester or something?”
“Two, and yeah, they’ll be there to visit her and take care of her. I have to say, I’m so glad to be going home. I miss Powell. I’ve never been away from her for that long, and I hate the big city.”
“We all do. And sounds like the festival is just what you need.”
“I was supposed to be helping someone make apple turnovers today.”
“What?” Daphne asked, hearing that tone in her voice as good friends always did.
“Maybe you could help me. With something else. First.”
“I don’t think I’m going to like this.”
“You’re not. You’re not at all.”
Instead of telling her over the phone, she did the same thing she had done with Lavender, which was tell her that she would explain everything to them when they met at the C-Store in Sweet Water.
They spent a good thirty minutes in the parking lot at the C-Store crying and hugging each other after Orchid told Lavender and Daphne what was going on.
At last, they reluctantly got in Orchid’s car and drove to Katie’s house. Their timing was almost perfect. Five minutes after they pulled in, the bus came, swallowing up Katie’s children and leaving them alone with their good friend.
Katie, bright and chipper as she always was, smiled with pure joy as she looked at her friends. “I thought you all would be at the festival, working or doing something. And isn’t your mom in the hospital?” She looked at Daphne last.
“She is. She’s being moved to Rochester today.”
“And we’re working at the festival, as I’m sure you are, but...we wanted to talk to you first.”
That was all the time it took for Katie to realize that something was very wrong, and the light that had been in her eyes dimmed as she stepped back, holding the door open for everyone to go in ahead of her.
Chapter 20
Making time for each other no matter how busy life gets. Spend time with your spouse, show them that they are important to you. - Skye from Orange NSW Australia