Page 60 of Cowboy Falling Hard
Those words left no room for doubt. But, just in case, Sadie continued. “I wouldn’t be sitting here today if I weren’t one hundred percent absolutely sure. But, I was thinking that you can call his work. See if he’s there?” She bit both lips. “I hope I’m wrong.”
Katie sat there, her heart hammering, her chest hurting. Physical pain that crushed hard. Did she want to call? Of course. She needed to know. If he were safely at work, that would probably mean that he hadn’t lied, that what Lavender thought she saw wasn’t what she actually saw.
How did she call? She tried to bring her scattered brain together.
“I’ll call.” She would. Just as soon as she figured out how. When her brain started working again. Right now it felt like hardening cement and she didn’t move.
“Do you have your phone?” Someone asked gently. Maybe Orchid.
That’s right. Her phone. She did have her phone.
Where was it?
Her brain felt like it was struggling under water, dark and deep and unable to surface. Like it couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see, couldn’t move, but just circled in slow motion.
She swallowed, realizing her mouth was dry, her throat tight, and she choked, coughing.
Her friends suddenly stood around her, one on one side one on the other, and one with a hand on her shoulder in the back.
She felt surrounded, but not safe. Like they were there, but she couldn’t reach them, even though they were touching her.
What was she going to do? If this were true, how was she going to take care of her children? Would she confront him?
She’d have to. She couldn’t live with him, knowing he was cheating on her and not saying anything.
How could he? They had three kids together.
It was true, he’d completely forgotten her birthday and their anniversary.
Funny how those facts surfaced in her brain. Did that mean he was cheating? Did she miss the hints?
“If you have the number for his work, I’ll call if you want me to?” That was Lavender.
She nodded slowly. Maybe it would be better if someone else called. His secretary would recognize her number.
Somehow, she managed to dig her phone out of her pocket and put it on the table, scrolling up until she found his work number. She hadn’t called him at work for a long time. He’d asked her not to call unless it was an emergency. She understood that. He got paid to work not talk to his wife. Of course. Everyone wanted their family to let them do their job unless there was an emergency.
But now she was suspicious. Did he ask for her not to call because he been doing things he didn’t want her to find out about?
Funny how just one sentence,I saw your husband kissing another woman, could completely change her mindset. Up until that point she had been completely trusting, totally believing everything he said, with no reason to suspect that he might be lying to her, and now, she wondered if everything he’d been telling her had been a lie.
He had a big project due at work, and that’s why he hadn’t remembered her birthday. He was trying to land a big account and had to take a work trip and was focused on that, and that’s why their anniversary had slipped his mind.
She took a deep breath, but it trembled as she blew it out. She wanted to curl up in a ball, lie under the table, get away from the pain that seemed to be crushing her. This couldn’t be true. Couldn’t be happening. Couldn’t be her life.
“Hello, Reynolds Global Solutions, Becky speaking.”
It was his secretary. She sounded the same as she always did.
“Hello Becky, I am calling to speak with Russell, please.”
The words were simple. Lavender hadn’t made up a fake reason to need to speak to him.
“He’s on vacation and won’t return until Friday. May I ask who’s calling, please?”
Lavender swallowed, her throat working hard, the look on her face stricken. It made Katie feel like her friend hurt for her, a deep painful hurt, almost like the one she was feeling herself.
It was obvious that those were not the words she had wanted to hear.