Page 26 of Fool Me Twice
“Yep. That’s her. We ended up getting hired at the same station in Baltimore.”
“That’s fantastic.”
She smiled, but then seemed to recall who she was smiling at and looked down.
“I might be headed back home earlier than planned,” she said, “thanks to the accident.”
“You could stay with us,” Sebastián offered.
I made a mental note to remind him not to extend houseguest invitations without asking me first. Then again, would I really mind Georgia staying at our house?
Heat rushed through me, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.
“Do you need more room?” Georgia asked.
“No, you’re fine. It’s just… hot in here.” I cracked the window to let a breeze in.
We were already turning onto the street her hotel was on, and a flurry of emotions exploded in my chest. Was this it? I was about to let Georgia walk—or rather, hobble—into that hotel and out of my life for a second time?
My driver parked in front of the hotel, and I got out to grab the clutches. It was slow work, but with Sebastián’s help Georgia got out of the car.
“Thank you, Sebastián.” She gave him a side hug. “You’re my hero. And thank you, Melba.” She waved at the nanny.
Sebastián frowned. “I don’t want you to go.”
She ruffled his hair. “Perhaps, if it’s okay with your father, we can exchange letters.”
Sebastián looked to me, and I nodded. “Of course. I’ll call the hotel with our address.”
Sebastián hugged her one more time, and I ushered him into the car. “You wait in there with Melba while I walk Georgia inside, okay?”
For once, he did what I asked without any complaint, which was a blessing. No doubt I had Georgia’s presence to thank for that.
“Here. Let me help you.” I reached out to Georgia, but she was already clomping her way up the steps.
“It’s okay. I have it.”
Still, I stayed by her side, and made sure to rush ahead to hold the door open for her. In the foyer, we paused in front of the elevators.
“Thank you.” Her arms busy with the crutches, she blew a strand of hair out of her face.
“It’s my pleasure.”
She nodded slowly, as if she wasn’t sure whether to believe me or not.
I cleared my throat. “Listen, Georgia… I’m really happy to see you again.”
“Really? Because the last time you saw me I’m pretty sure you told me to get out of your apartment. Actually, your life.”
I cringed. “That was harsh of me.”
“Yeah. It was.” She drew a long breath. “But it was also a long time ago. I’ve moved on. It looks like you’ve done well for yourself.”
I lifted a shoulder.
Georgia twisted her lips. “We were kids then.”
“I was a stupid kid.”