Page 56 of Fool Me Twice
But I would not only be out of a job, my whole career would take a hit. Prospective employers would look at my resume and wonder what I’d done wrong.
And that didn’t even cover my heart. What happened to it if things went screwy between the two of us?
I handed the flask back. “That’s good for me. Thanks.”
He took a sip before returning it to his pocket. “Would you like to take a look?”
I hesitated, all the reasoning that had just run through my head still very much on the front burner. In the end, though, curiosity won out and I stepped in front of the telescope.
“What do I do?” I asked, afraid to touch anything on what looked like an extremely expensive device.
“Everything is already set. Just look through it.”
Holding my hair back, I bent and closed one eye. The moon—big, shining, and full of detailed craters—jumped out to greet me.
“Wow,” I breathed.
Suddenly, several small creatures flitted in front of the moon, followed by several more.
“Bats!” I exclaimed. “Did you see these?”
“I did,” Rodrigo’s velvet voice responded.
Releasing my hair, I stood. “That’s amazing.”
My breath caught in my throat. Not until this very moment had I realized how tiny the balcony was, how close Rodrigo and I were forced to stand to each other.
Or how good he looked, bathed in the moonlight, his hair falling just on top of his brow.
My heart sped up, and the little voice in my head told me not to do it—don’t go any closer to him. I was tired of listening to that voice, though. Couldn’t it be quiet for just one second?
Rodrigo’s gaze raked across my face, and for the first time since we’d reconnected I didn’t shy away from it. I stood there quietly and willingly, letting him drink me in for as long as he wanted.
He blinked a few times, long lashes casting shadows across his cheekbones. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”
“Believe it,” I croaked.
His throat rolled with a swallow. I could nearly feel him holding back, the tension balled up in his core and the desire thrumming through his veins.
No more thinking. No more questioning.
Stepping forward, I pressed my lips to his.
It was, in the simplest description, like coming home. The lips that had first introduced me to Heaven hadn’t changed a bit. They moved against mine in such a perfect rhythm, it was as if the two of us had been made to kiss each other.
Rodrigo’s mouth opened wider, and his hand came up to cup my face. A wave of peace and excitement rushed through me, so strong it threatened to take me to my knees.
This was it. Exactly what I’d been looking for the last eleven years. It was why no relationship ever worked out and I always felt unsettled no matter where I went or what I did. Rodrigo held the keys to my heart.
He could build me up. He could break me.
He could break me.
The realization hit me right in the gut, creating a wave of nausea. With a gasp, I stepped away and out of Rodrigo’s hold.
“Georgia?” He frowned in confusion.
“I’m sorry.” I pressed my fingers to my lips. “That was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know what I was thinking.”