Page 68 of Fool Me Twice
“Oh, no.”
Putting the coffee cup down, I stared at the stain spreading across my blouse. How had I been so clumsy?
Actually, the answer wasn’t that hard to find. I’d been distracted. Really, really distracted.
The day off work had done nothing to sate my hunger for Rodrigo. If anything, I wanted him even more now.
For perhaps the first time in my adult life, I didn’t want to be at work. Gone was the intense focus and welcome distraction of completing tasks. Instead, I wanted to be back on the trail, my hand in Rodrigo’s and the rest of our lives a red carpet rolling out in front of us.
Sighing, I picked up my phone and texted Rodrigo’s driver. Usually, I would just finish out the day with a soiled blouse, but there was a big meeting later and I didn’t want to embarrass Rodrigo or the rest of the company.
A short while later, thanks to Rodrigo’s driver, I scurried in through the front door of the house and up the steps. In the kitchen, the landline rang, but since it wasn’t my house and I’d never once answered the phone there, I ignored it.
Grabbing a fresh blouse, I changed hurriedly, then took some time to freshen up my hair and makeup.
As I walked downstairs, the phone rang again. Someone was being really persistent.
Slipping into the kitchen, I checked the caller ID. It was Sebastián’s school calling.
My stomach instantly dropped. School wouldn’t call incessantly unless something was wrong.
My fingers fumbled on the receiver, which I couldn’t pick up fast enough. “This is the Alarçón residence. Georgia speaking.”
“Hello, miss,” a man’s voice responded. “This is Paulo Valle Rocha. I am calling for Mr. Alarçón.”
“He’s not home right now. Have you tried him at the office?”
“Yes, and I was informed that he is out of the office. However, he is not answering his cell phone.”
That’s right. Rodrigo had gone to lunch with a client. Perhaps he’d forgotten his cell in his office.
“Is everything all right?” I tried to ignore how fast my heart was slamming against my ribcage. “Is Sebastián okay?”
“Is his nanny available to pick him up from school?” the man asked instead.
My temper flared, and I found it hard to hide it. “She’s out of town. I’m the only one available.Is Sebastián okay?”
“He participated in a fight this morning. He will need to leave school for the rest of the day.”
My stomach dropped like a brick. “He was fighting?”
Sweet, kind Sebastián? It didn’t make sense.
“It is most unfortunate. As I’m sure you understand, we cannot tolerate behavior of this sort.”
“Of course not.” I took a seat on one of the island’s stools, my legs suddenly weak. “I’ll come pick him up.”
“Excuse me, but I do not see you on the approved pickup list. It was Georgia…”
“Cormack. Call Rodrigo’s office and the staff there can verify me. I work for him.” I checked the clock on the wall. “I’m leaving right now.”
The whole ride to Sebastián’s school, I alternated between twisting my hands in my lap and calling Rodrigo’s cell. It seemed I was right about him misplacing his phone, though. I was in this rodeo on my own.
At the school, I walked to the office, my nerves all over the place. What could have made Sebastián fight? Were things really that bad?
“I’m here to pick up Sebastián,” I told the receptionist, who pointed me in the direction of the principal’s office.