Page 55 of The Homecoming
“You guys are renting this place out?”
“We’ve talked about it, but we’ve never been comfortable enough trusting a stranger out here. If it’s weird working for us and living this close, we get it. Take your time, there’s no pressure. The idea came to me when you said you’re looking for a place. We have this one just sitting here, and you’d have a short commute.”
“Ick,” she joked before smiling. “No, it’s a great little cabin. I mean, as long you guys aren’t noisy neighbors.”
Brandon laughed as he shook his head. “Only when we throw raging parties.”
“How much is the rent?”
He shrugged. “We hadn’t come up with a number yet. But I’m sure we can work something out.” He threw an arm around her shoulder as they walked to the door.
“Iamgoing to pay you rent, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course you will,” he replied. “Ben and I are mean landlords.”
It had been a long afternoon at Huntington Farms. Scottie was finally catching on to the routine, but she had a habit of setting keys down and forgetting them. Today, she had locked the keys to the storage shed inside the shed. Luckily, Weasel came out and picked the lock for them, and again, no one asked why or how that was a skill he possessed. Some things were better left a mystery. Brandon took the reclaimed keys into town and had two extra sets made.
To top it all off, it was Autumn’s birthday, and no one had remembered. It didn’t make much sense for every one of her friends to forget, but it had happened.
She logged off the computer as the walkie-talkie beeped. “Oh, office girl,” came Brandon’s voice.
She rolled her eyes. “Go for office girl.”
“Can you come to the barn, please?”
“On my way.” She sighed and waddled her way out the back door, down the steps, and along the path to the barn where she found the door cracked open. She poked her head inside and almost fell over.
“Surprise,” yelled the group.
A table arranged for dinner service sat in the middle of the room, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the center surrounded by candles.
“Happy birthday.” Hannah rushed across the room, grabbed Autumn by the arm, and led her into the barn.
Autumn’s mouth twisted into a smile as she laughed. “You guys should be careful surprising a pregnant lady; I think I may have peed a little. It’s so pretty.” She pointed to the table. “I can’t believe you guys did this. You’re all so wonderful.” She went around and hugged each one of them. “Where are Rebecca and Weasel?”
“In the kitchen,” Brandon said. “Rebecca’s making your birthday dinner, and I guess Weasel’s trying to help, maybe,” he suggested with a shrug.
She laughed.Yeah, Weasel’s trying to help, alright. Autumn went to the kitchen and stood in the doorway for a minute, observing the action. Rebecca was plating food that made her mouth water, and there stood Weasel leaned against the center island saying something that made Rebecca laugh, until he noticed Autumn in the door. “Ms. Mac, happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” she said upon entering the room. “Rebecca, it smells amazing.”
She smiled and crossed to Autumn, throwing her arms around the pregnant girl in front of her. “Thanks, I hope you like it.
“I can’t imagine I wouldn’t. You make the best food.”
Rebecca blushed. “You’re too kind. Now, go sit down so we can bring the food out.”
“I can help carry,” Autumn offered.
“Nonsense.” Weasel crossed to her and led her back to the table, determined to treat her for the evening.
The dinner was almost perfect. The only thing missing was Daniel. She looked around the table at her friends laughing and talking, needing him next to her. She wanted to speak to him, to kiss him, and to enjoy an evening under twinkle lights with her dear friends and good food.
Autumn texted her brother several times before he responded. His appointment with the military doctor in Ft. Campbell should have been over, and she couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say. Her parents had driven him up to Kentucky that morning, so they should have been in the car on their way back.