Page 6 of The Homecoming
“That’s what I was thinking.” She smiled.
“I was considering heading out for a hike, as long as I don’t get called back.” He fiddled with his empty cup. “You wanna go with me?”
Autumn and Daniel walked alongside each other on the trail in the shade of the canopy; the temperature was almost chilly. They headed off down a well-defined path carpeted in wood chips. Dan had packed a picnic he carried in a backpack and they planned to hike the trail to the bottom of the waterfall. She wore her swimsuit under her clothes just in case they decided to jump in. With any luck, the trip would take most of the day, and she could continue putting off making any real decisions. Her mom had questioned her about her plans that morning, but she’d job hunt tomorrow. Today she would hike and clear her head and maybe have some revelation about what to do with her life.
The trail was mostly deserted, typical of a Monday morning. They passed one other person wearing camping gear going in the other direction. Dan stepped behind Autumn to allow him room on the path for the camper to pass and then he fell into step next to her.
“You’re quiet today,” he said.
She shrugged. “Mom was on me this morning about finding a job.” They walked a little farther before she continued. “And I know I need to, I have to.”
“I’m not at all sure what.”
“Well, what was your major?”
Autumn hesitated. The trail in front of her was bumpy with a myriad of tree roots coming out of the ground through the thinning mulch. “Social Work,” she said.
“That’s not bad,” he replied. “‘Social Worker’ is an actual job.”
“Yeah, but the goal was to be a licensed clinical social worker and become like, a therapist. But, I need a master’s degree, and I don’t want to go to school anymore. I’m so sick of it.” She sighed, trying to think of another option. “Dee said I could work at the daycare.”
He nodded. “That, or you could find something simple around town and then make a decision after living a little.”
“You make that sound so easy.”
“Why does it have to be complicated?” He reached over and squeezed her hand.
She fell silent and contemplated his question. The last six months had become more complicated than she ever imagined possible. She was burned out on school, directionless in life, and Mark had made things almost unbearable. In the middle of a wooded trail, Dan made it seem like her life could settle down.
The sound of rushing water could be heard well before the creek appeared. They rounded a curve and the trail split; a dirt path dipped down and followed along the river’s edge. Dan stepped down first and turned to grab Autumn’s hand. She let him help her down and they stood a while, watching the river flow. After a few minutes, they were still holding hands, her small fingers entirely hidden by his until she let go. “Maybe we should go back up to the main trail,” she said.
“Let’s follow this one for a while, I think it links back up eventually.”
“What if it doesn’t?” She followed him down the dirt path, despite her own hesitation.
“It’ll be fine. I’m an expert outdoorsman.”
“You can’t be good at everything,” she said.
He laughed. “I’m not. But I have found my way in pitch blackness stranded behind enemy lines.”
She rolled her eyes. “Alright, alright, I get it. You’re a badass.”
He shook his head as he smiled. “And it doesn’t impress you at all.”
“Nope,” she replied. “You’re still the boy who got poison ivy on his penis.”
He stopped and turned to her. “That’s just cold, woman,” he deadpanned.
They laughed, just before Autumn stumbled over a tree root and grabbed Daniel’s arm to steady herself. He didn’t budge when she bumped into him, and she held onto his bicep a little longer than necessary. One hand gripped his sinewy arm while the other pressed against his firm chest; she stared at her hands for a beat before registering what she was doing, regaining control of herself. The man was solid muscle.
“You alright?” Dan asked. He reached over and dragged the tips of his fingers down her arm; a tingling sensation surged from her arm straight down to her nether region.Not appropriate.He looked at her again with the same heated eyes that made her blush.
“Yeah, sorry, I stubbed my toe and fell into you.” She avoided his eyes to regain her composure.