Page 10 of A Second Chance
“Chill out,” Dan said, “and walk with me.”
They strolled over to the group of women and Brandon. Autumn smiled up at Dan; she appeared on the tipsy side and wrapped her arms around his waist. Then she spotted Jason.
“Hey,” she giggled, “oh my, I’m so rude.” She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the circle, “Gwen, meet my brother Jason… he’s back. Jason, this is Gwen.”
And with that he was facing the attractive blonde. “Hey,” he said nodding.
“Hi,” Gwen said with a polite smile, but she diverted her eyes the look unreadable.
“Gwen’s a jewelry designer. She works at Llewellyn’s there on the square… you remember that place?” Autumn slapped him on the arm. “And are you still doing electric stuff?” she asked him.
Okay, scratch “tipsy”, she was full-on intoxicated. “Yes, I remember the gallery. And I’m still an electrician.”
“Come on babe, let’s go get some water,” Dan said, leading Autumn away toward the barn.
He watched Autumn and Dan walk off, and when he turned back, Gwen had disappeared.
Damn it.
That was not her finest moment, but Gwen couldn’t handle standing there while he acted like they were meeting for the first time. But what else did she expect? Jason wouldn’t tell them all the truth and admit to what a jerk he was, and she didn’t want them all to know how disposable he made her feel.
Gwen’s heart thundered in her chest, taking the garden path and rounded to the other side of the barn, up the steps of the gazebo. She’d feign a headache if anyone asked. Closing her eyes, she took several deep breaths, disgusted by her clammy hands, and the palpable panic attack rising, and her throat closing. God, this was pathetic. How was she ready to date again when she couldn’t even stand near one stupid man?
“There you are,” the familiar deep male voice cut into her thoughts and reverberated through her body. That one stupid man had found her. Light on his feet, she’d never heard the approach. Jason stood at the bottom of the steps. Unless he was there to apologize for being world’s biggest jerk, he needed to go. “Are you all right?”
“Just a headache started to…” she pointed to her head.
“Do you need medicine? I’m sure Autumn has that.”
“Already did,” Gwen patted the bag at her side. Jason seemed genuinely concerned; the lie tugged at her conscience.
Jason climbed the steps, reaching up and pushing a button. Fairy lights draping the gazebo illuminated.
“That’s so pretty,” she breathed. For a hiding place, this had been a monumental mistake as everything here screamed romance. “But everything around here is breathtaking.”
A smile lit up his face and those big brown eyes.
Gwen turned away. “I meant the surroundings.”
Jason laughed. “I was about to agree, but not exclude present company.” He parked himself on the bench seat on the opposite side.
Was he hitting on her? Did this man have any shame? Gwen hated that she still found him attractive. Just her bad luck that time hadn’t given the former military man a pot-belly or a receding hairline.
“You’re new in town, right?”
“It’s been five years.”Nowa real headache formed.
“Oh. I haven’t been home awhile. Been at Llewellyn’s the whole time?”
“The reason we moved here.” Gwen rubbed her temples. If he played it this way and pretend they’d never met and never screwed… then bring it on.
Gwen wanted to say, with her big, hunky husband. But that was a short-sighted answer. It was easily disproved, and even though she wanted nothing to do with him, appearing unhinged didn’t appeal to her, either. “My mom, sister, and I live together.” And Avery’s boyfriend- not the time or place to talk about that problem.
Jason nodded.