Page 48 of A Second Chance
“He can’t help what happened to him in war.”
“I’m aware. Three years ago he left town for a reason, and I don’t know why.”
“The most likely reason was for treatment of his injuries… But if you really want answers, go to the source.”
“What if he won’t tell me?”
Natalie considered this for a moment. “Well, sweetie, it’s his to tell or not. So you have to decide from there if you can wait until he’s ready, or if you’re good with never knowing. Soldiers sometimes see things they can’t tell us, depending on how he was injured.”
“He said he was inside an armored car that ran over an IED, and suffered a traumatic brain injury in the blast. But that’s all he told me. And everyone who knows what happened when he came home is quiet over it while the gossip mill runs wild.”
Natalie smiled. “The rumor mill always runs wild. But you already know more of the truth than most of them. With time and patience, you’ll discover everything.” She stood and washed out her bowl and spoon, putting them in the dish drainer. “If it’s important for you, just ask.” With that, she went into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
The problem being that he also had memory loss. Did he even remember why he left? The obvious answer was to get medical treatment. She’d accepted his story on memory loss as the reason he didn’t recognize her at the Christmas tree lot, and he didn’t remember their time together before he left. But, did she trust that a memory loss like that wouldn’t happen again? Part of her didn’t have the right to pry in on his medical issues, but if they were together, shouldn’t she have all of the information on what she was getting into?
Gwen wandered into the gallery through the hot shop still deep in rumination about the discussion with her mom. Natalie assured her that in time she’d discover everything she needed. But, what if after everything it ended up being a deal breaker? What if she spent all this time building a relationship with him and then found out information she wasn’t okay with? While life carried no guarantees on anything, in this case, she’s starting the relationship knowing prior damage existed. She could save herself the heartache or maybe get everything she ever wanted.
“Where are you?” the voice made Gwen jump, bringing her out of her head to face Megan, the gallery’s painter in residence.
“Sorry, didn’t see you,” Gwen said.
“No kidding. You were in La-La Land.” The painter stood in the art room doorway, her smock covered in splatters of dried blue paint, watching Gwen.
“Guess so.” Gwen moved to her workstation and flipped on the table lamp. A spotlight bathed the center of the table where a row of beads laid out in a tray. She’d left them alone to view with fresh eyes. Gwen moved two pieces around.
“It’s none of my business, but are you really dating Jason McMillan?”
Gwen kept her attention on the beads. “I guess, haven’t defined it,” she said.
“Girl, I don’t know about that one,” Megan said.
“What makes you say that?” she asked, although she could guess it was about the rumors.
“He’s cute and all, but the things said about him,” she lowered her voice as if imparting a secret.
Gwen shook her head. “Don’t believe everything you hear.”
“Okay, yeah, I get that. There are some crazy rumors around town.”
“And the more salacious, the faster it travels.”
“True… so, you’re saying there’s no truth to them.
“That’s what I’m saying,” she replied not sure what she believed.
Megan nodded, her red curls fighting against the hairband holding them atop her head.
“What about Eli?” Gwen changed the subject.
Megan stilled for a beat then smoothed her hand down her smock in what Gwen suspected was mock calmness. “What about him?”
“You left the hospital with him the other night?”
“He was my ride back to Huntington, and my car. That’s all.” She stopped fiddling with the hem of her smock and turned.