Page 66 of A Second Chance
“I went in an experimental program at Vanderbilt. I’m in a study. The docs released me, but I still didn’t feel ready for the world. I applied and accepted into a Wounded Warrior Hike.”
“Then you felt ready for the world?”
“I wanted to come home then. Facing everyone and everything hasn’t been easy, but I’m ready to get on with my life.”
“The PTSD?”
“Sorry I didn’t tell you about that.”
“If I’d thought about it, that someone whose been through what you have, it was likely. How did it effect you?”
“Not great. I had flashbacks, I didn’t sleep, was moody, and had angry outbursts. Autumn’s story is a perfect example of how all that went down. And part of my program was therapy, and I learned to respond differently when those thoughts get stuck in my head.”
“Are you still in therapy?”
“Not since leaving Nashville. I’ve considered looking for a therapist here, but I don’t know if we have that in this town.”
“Might need to go over toward Chattanooga.”
“Hey guys,” Autumn called from the bottom of the stairs, “dinner’s ready.”
“Down in a minute,” Jason called, but didn’t move a muscle. She tried to disentangle them, but he tightened his grip. “I’m not ready to let go of you yet.”
“Sure.” She relaxed back against him. “You know we can do this again later, right? I mean… if you still want me.” He flashed her a look that told her exactly how ridiculous the statement was.
“One more thing…”
“What’s that?” she asked after he paused for a long beat.
“I still take meds for the PTSD. Went through three before finding this one that helps. I’m down to the lowest dosage, but I take one daily. And no one else knows.”
“I’m glad they help. Why haven’t you told anyone?”
“Never wanted to depend on pills, and my first round of pills didn’t go so well, and I’m already called crazy…”
Gwen blinked back more tears threatening the corners of her eyes. That he confided in her touched her deeply. “I don’t think you’re crazy… I think you’re amazing for fighting your way back from the depths of the hell you were in.”
“It’s been a long time coming, and I’m still a work in progress. I can’t promise you perfection.”
A snort burst out of her since she was so far from perfect it wasn’t even on the radar. “Have we met?” she asked to his amused expression. “I’m Gwen, a major work in progress, and nowhere near perfect.”
“You’re pretty damn perfect for me,” he said. While those words were sinking through her skull, he rolled on top of her, his weight pressing her into the mattress. His lips found hers like they belonged together and the kiss blew her mind.
They were late for his mom’s dinner downstairs, Jason pushed himself off of Gwen. The last thing he wanted was to stop kissing the hot, writhing woman under him. He wanted to strip her naked and make her scream his name repeatedly. But that would not happen upstairs with his family having dinner below them. Although a new, positive, memory in this old room would be nice. He stood before he talked himself into something he shouldn’t do.
Gwen climbed off the bed, adjusting her bra under her shirt, then finger-combing her hair back into place. He watched her, then ran a hand through his hair. And he couldn’t help but reflect on how much lighter he felt. With everything now out in the open and it hadn’t scared her – she had accepted him as is. With happiness coursing through his veins, there was an excitement for what his future may hold instead of dread. Concern for his future mental health still there, but it no longer seemed insurmountable.
They made their way to the dining room holding hands as the sound of conversation and his nephew squealing filled the house. All eyes lifted to them when they entered, his mom and Autumn both zeroed in on their hands entwined and beamed. Dan’s eyes met his and they nodded at each other. Everything was well between them. He’d expected his mom to chide him for tardiness, but she didn’t.
“Honey, grab a plate and don’t be shy,” his mom said. Gwen nodded.
The room wasn’t that big. But they’d pulled another chair up to the table, and the group had crammed in with the addition of two new chairs and a high chair. He led Gwen into the kitchen where they found food still warming on the stove and in the oven. His childhood home was feeling cozy again. Laughter erupted from the next room and he smiled. They filled plates and he stole a kiss before they went back to the table.
Later that night, they packed his truck with the boxes he was taking to his apartment. Jason and Dan carried the boxes down the stairs while Autumn and Gwen instructed them on how they should pack them in the truck bed. He and Dan rolled their eyes at each other over the women’s instructions, but neither of them said a word. Gwen had been a huge hit with his parents; it didn’t surprise him. But the confirmation was a nice bonus.
When they’d finished loading his truck, his mom and sister hugged him. They all waived as Dan and Autumn pulled out of the driveway, their baby already asleep in his car seat. He snagged Gwen by the wrist as she turned for her car, pulling her to him he planted another kiss. “Come see my new place?” he whispered in her ear.