Page 9 of Heart of a Centaur
My skin tingled, and no amount of dismissing it helped. My breath was coming in and out quickly, and I couldn’t ignore the yearning between my legs. My pussy was screaming for attention, but there was nothing I could do about it. When his head inched closer, his hot breath on my neck nearly made me moan.
Eventually, I at least found a distraction. I became very aware of the fact that I had to pee. That replaced my dirty thoughts, but it had the same Pink Elephant effect. Once it crossed my mind, I couldn’t stop thinking of it.
There was no way I could get up, with him on top of me. What could I do? I waited a few minutes, uncomfortably. Then I decided that there was just no way around it and tried to nudge him awake.
Still asleep, he twisted his torso a bit when I prodded him.
“My mate,” he murmured. He ran one hand up my arm to my hair and leaned in to kiss my neck.
Well, that wasn’t going to do. I had just gotten that out of my system, and I wasn’t going to let him get me all stirred up again. I pushed the sensation that his kiss evoked down, concentrating on my more pressing need.
I poked him more forcefully. I tried to be gentle, but firm. He jerked a little at my touch and lifted his head. With bleary eyes, he blinked at me a few times. Then, pushing himself up, he lifted off me slightly.
“What?” he mumbled sleepily.
“Sorry. I have to pee.”
He balanced himself on one strong arm, the muscles cording underneath him, and wiped his eyes with the other hand.
“There’s no bathroom,” he answered in a husky, barely awake voice. “I’ll take you outside.”
Standing up, he held out a hand to help me off the floor. I just stared at him speechlessly for a moment.
I have to pee outside in the bushes? In front of him?
It wasn’t like this hadn’t come up before. I was a hunter, and we were trained to survive in lots of bizarre situations. But it just felt different, somehow. The men in my team could be a bit aggressive and domineering, but they always gave me plenty of privacy for that sort of thing. Athos was probably going to follow me into the bushes and wipe for me.
But the twinge in my bladder reminded me there was no time to quibble. I collected myself and took his outstretched hand. He pulled me to my feet, and we walked out of the hut together.
Athos waited patiently while I searched for the ideal spot. I wasn’t going to go just anywhere. I finally found some nice, dense bushes that I could hide behind. I used a tree branch to steady myself. That made it easier to squat down without falling and embarrassing myself in front of Athos.
Even without falling, it was mortifying beyond words. He was polite enough to avert his gaze, but I still cringed in shame. I knew it was a normal bodily function, but it seemed so unladylike.
But why do you want him to see you as a lady?A voice in my head accused.
Shut up, I told myself.
I pulled my pants up. When Athos heard me rustling as I came back through the bushes, he turned to meet my eyes. He looked at me expectantly, as if to confirm that I was all better.
I thanked Athos for taking me outside. He just nodded, clearly still tired, and led me back inside. We lay down once more, the same way as before. It didn’t take long before he was out.
I wonder if he’s always this good of a sleeper, I thought, almost jealously. My eyes were beginning to grow weary. Now that I didn’t have to pee, my body finally felt ready to relax.
Turning my brain off, I focused on his steady, rhythmic breathing. My own breathing began to shift to match his, and I listened to the two of us inhale and exhale in unison. It was a simple thing, but calming and peaceful.
I closed my eyes and could feel sleep starting to wash over me. His body across my legs made me think of a weighed blanket. It wasn’t enough pressure to be uncomfortable, but it had a certain feeling of security. At first, our sleeping arrangement had felt a bit smothering, but it was starting to grow on me.
He shifted slightly on top of me, his arms tightening in something like a hug. As I drifted off, one last thought blinked through my mind.
It’s kind of nice to be held like this by a man. I’ve never slept like this with anyone.They all left before morning.
Chapter Five
I woke up early the next morning. Things felt a bit off, and it took me a moment to remember the events of the day before. The change that I felt was the female form, sleeping underneath me.
It wasn’t a bad feeling. In fact, it was nice. I liked waking up to see her face first thing, and the warmth of holding her against me was pleasant and comfortable.