Page 17 of Leap into the Dark
Her pulse raced against Hannibal’s skin and her breath quickened. The way her still exposed nipples tightened showed she wasn’t as averse to the idea as her words implied.
“No other men except us.” Hannibal’s words held a demand that surprised even him. They usually shared their women with anyone and everyone who was interested. But there was something about the brunette in his arms that brought out a new possessive side.
Ink’s raised eyebrows showed his surprise, but after a moment his Brother nodded. It was easy to see that they were going to be having a long conversation once they were alone. Hannibal rarely made unilateral decisions for the two of them. Making this one was a risk. The request for exclusivity might end up being the sticking point that sealed the failure of the relationship before it ever began. Not because she wouldn’t agree, but because the implied commitment would send Ink running.
“No other women for you?”
Hannibal nodded, but Ink’s shrug was tight. He glared at his long-time friend. Luckily, Jade didn’t see his glare before his Brother grudgingly said, “No other woman for us either. But your orgasms belong to us. You don’t get to come. Unless one of us says you can.”
The little squeak she gave was adorable, and he didn’t think she knew she had made it. The way her thighs tightened told them how much she liked the idea. “Even at home, by myself?”
Her question was so innocent Hannibal had to shake his head. “If you want to play with that pretty little pussy and we’re not there. You have to call one of us to get permission.”
Hannibal knew what he was about to say was pushing the line so hard it might break. There was one thought, though, that had been playing over in his thoughts from the moment he saw her glistening pussy, so he couldn’t resist the temptation to ask. “Are you on birth control, Beautiful?”
Both Ink and Jade gave him surprised looks. His Brother’s was tinged with anger and hers with wariness.
“Yes.” The word was drawn out, filled with hesitation. So Hannibal forced himself to temper what he was going to say next.
“I wanted to know our options and risks.” He paused and didn’t see a delicate way to state what he wanted, so he powered through. “If this gets serious. I’d like us all to get tested.”
The quiet of the room was absolute, though he could almost feel Ink’s anger vibrating through him. They’d never gone bare with any woman in the decade-plus they had been sharing.
Jade’s body danced with tension. “I’ll think about it. At some point, maybe.”
Hannibal let out his breath in a sigh. His Brother was going to have harsh words with him later. Birth control was one-hundred-percent required and long ago, they’d both agreed not to risk trusting a woman to be the one responsible for their primary form of protection. Ink trusted no-one and children were not something they’d been ready for.
None of the old arguments kept him from wanting to be able to fuck this woman with nothing between them. His dick was so hard from just the possibility that he was pretty sure the zipper was going to leave an impression on it for several days.
“That’s all I ask.” For now, at least.
Jade shook her head and smiled. “I’m starting to think you’re the optimist.” She nodded her chin at Ink. “And he’s the pessimist.”
“He’s something all right.” Ink’s words were an annoyed growl. Thankfully, that was all he said.
Hannibal tried to appease them both by giving them a partial truth. “I’m the planner. I like knowing all the options. I can’t wait until you fill out your limits list, so I can start planning all the dirty things we are going to do to your body.”
Hannibal enjoyed her shudder. Ink’s body next to him was as stiff as stone, not distracted at all by his attempt to lighten the mood. Hopefully, his last question and the risk Hannibal had taken to push for exclusivity would be worth it in the end. The last thing he wanted was Ink throwing on the brakes before they got to explore any of the possibilities he saw so clearly with this beautiful woman.
Hannibal knew in his gut that this woman was worth taking all the risks for.
Chapter 9
It’s okay if you disagree with me. I can’t force you to be right.
Two days of uncomfortable silence were about his limit. Ink sat at the bar in the Dark Sons’ Clubhouse sipping Jack Daniels, contemplating if he should strangle his Brother in his sleep. The argument after leaving Jade’s gym had been one for the record books. This was the longest the two of them had stayed mad at each other in ten years. It was his fault, not the argument, but the fact it was still unresolved.
Two days was all he had left to get over his frustration at Hannibal’s high-handed declarations of commitment. Then Jade was scheduled to come to their house. He had to decide if he was willing to live up to the level of commitment Hannibal had implied, or if he needed to lay down his own truth. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see the woman again. His fantasies were running wild at the idea of introducing her to their private playroom, and it would be a shame not to try out at least a few of the toys. He’d been jerking off so often to images of her in his mind that it felt like he was a teenager again.
The idea of finally getting a taste of that beautiful treasure stirred something inside him. He needed to figure out how to let go of the anger. Why had Hannibal pushed so hard? The exclusivity thing should have bothered him, but the truth was, it didn’t. It was the rest of it he wasn’t ready for, and it wasn’t fair to even pretend that he was.
Going bareback was something he’d never even considered with a woman. It meant something above and beyond the ability to fuck without latex. Trusting that a woman didn’t lie about birth control, that it would work or, if it didn’t, committing to becoming a Father. Christ, he couldn’t even begin to consider that.
His own father was an alcoholic asshole who loved to use his fists. Ink had inherited his temper. He channeled his desires into consensual BDSM play, but that didn’t make him any less of an asshole. If kids and settling down were what Hannibal wanted, was it time to tell his Brother he was on his own?