Page 27 of Leap into the Dark
The interviews he’d watched had told of her broken Olympic dreams, so the symbolism wasn’t lost on him. She wanted the butterflies to start off towards the bottom as simple patterns with little color growing more intricate as they worked up her back. Until they did the final one on her shoulder in hyper-realistic 3D style.
He could picture the placement that would be needed to make it appear as if it was about to take wing and fly away.
It was the story of her life. About the broken dreams of a little girl who didn’t give up and had found a new dream.
It was hard to imagine going through what she did so young. One month away from being part of the Olympics and favored to win a medal, she’d slipped during training. The bad landing resulted in multiple torn ligaments in her knee, knocking her out of competition.
She had been on the mend when her mother took ill. Between her mother’s sickness and her own medical bills and injury, they weren’t able to afford the training and physical therapy she would have needed to get back into Olympic shape.
Reading between the lines, it was easy to see that she’d given up her training in order to remove some of the stress from her mother, who was battling with cancer. The way the story was told, her friend Eric had helped her and her mother out and convinced her to try an unconventional way to regain her strength and flexibility.
The two of them had done Parkour in the backyard and competing in local competitions until they turned eighteen and set out on the road together. They’d thought her mother was in remission. A year later, her mother died within weeks of finding out that the cancer had moved to her brain. Hannibal was glad her mother hadn’t suffered for long. Her father wasn’t mentioned in any of the publicity pieces.
Jade had incorporated years of struggle and triumph into the image she wanted. As she continued to describe the unique elements she wanted hidden within the piece, he could see she was taking bits and pieces from her life and working them in. An Egyptian scarab, which he now knew represented her mother, and several specific patterns to be worked into the wings that probably represented other major events in her life.
Even the final butterfly was a testament to the fact that out of everything, not only had she been reborn, but she was ready to fly free. The words she used to describe the different butterflies showed she’d definitely studied their work and had planned which ones she wanted him to do without her ever saying his name.
“So what do you think?” Nerves were clear in her question.
“I think it’s going to be gorgeous. Just like you.”
“Do you think you guys can do it?”
“You painted a vivid picture with your words. It may take some time to make sure we have everything you want, but I can’t wait to start sketching it out.”
Joy was like a light in her eyes. Her excitement, something palpable in the air. He should start writing the minor details she’d mentioned, but with her sitting there almost breathless with excitement, he couldn’t.
She was a temptation he couldn’t and didn’t want to resist. Her joy for life radiated off of her. He couldn’t wait another minute for a kiss.
Hannibal wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her towards him. She tasted like apples and cinnamon. What had she eaten? Mixed with her own flavor, he imagined this was what ambrosia tasted like.
Her body seemed to melt against him. Hannibal moved them until he splayed her out on the couch, his body hovering above hers. He grabbed her wrists and put them over her head, and held them there with one hand.
The skin of her neck was soft as he nibbled down the lovely column. “I can’t wait to get you under my gun. Do you understand how much I love the idea that my ink is going to be on you forever?”
She moaned. “I want that too.”
She pressed up against him. Her breasts rubbed against him like she was trying to get friction. Hannibal skated his other hand over her body, slowly following each line of her muscles and curves. He continued down until he reached the bottom of her skirt and slowly slid it upwards.
“Please, Hannibal.”
He loved the aching edge in her voice. He wanted to memorize everything about her in this moment. The only thing that would make it more perfect was if Ink were here to hold her down for him.
Chapter 12
If you could read my mind, you’d either be traumatized, aroused, or both.
“Keep your hands above your head and don’t move them.” Hannibal’s rough command rumbled across her skin, tightening things deep inside Jade.
There was something about his enormous form, hovering just over hers, that was incredibly sexy. He made her feel delicate, which was a new experience. While she had always been shorter than other people, her build and strength often had people describing her as stocky or sturdy.
Her hips and breasts had kept them from saying manly, but in her experience, men weren’t attracted to women with better definition than they had. She wouldn’t wish away any of her muscles for the sake of someone else’s insecurity, but it had made dating complicated.
The fact that Hannibal was stronger than her made everything inside her quiver in anticipation. Hannibal slowly ran his hands up from her hips, leaving chill bumps in his wake. He pulled her shirt up, then off over her head and undid her bra.
He quickly tossed the fabric to the side. It took little time and soon all of her clothing was scattered across the room. She lay on the butter soft leather of the couch completely naked. He devoured her with his gaze like she was the finest meal.