Page 47 of Leap into the Dark
The Brother’s responses echoed through the room. “Dark Sons for life!”
Chapter 19
Never believe the words ‘This is a great idea’ after the second shot of tequila.
The Dark Son’s compound was intimidating. Jade’s pulse had raced when she pulled up to the gated entrance and a rough-looking man in a Dark Son’s cut had approached her car. Only after she had given her name had he opened the gate and waved her in with a smile.
She pulled into the dirt lot and parked her car next to one of the few other non-motorcycles there. Over fifty motorcycles were lined up in front of the main warehouse style building in an impressive display. She had never realized how many different styles and models of motorcycles there could be. Some had shining chrome reflecting the early evening light as if they were showroom models, and others wore dust and a dull grit, as if they had been ridden long and hard.
She was early, the clock on her dash showing 7:45. Should she wait a few minutes before trying to go into the building? Jade hated being late, but being too early could be almost as rude.
She looked around, trying to stall for time. The large fenced in property held several buildings. A wide, well-maintained dirt road ran around them and deeper into the property. Just how big was this place?
Jade turned back to face the enormous building. Val stood waving at her from the entrance. An amused smile tipped up her lips as she took in the woman’s outfit.
The two of them were dressed very similarly in tight jeans and a scoop necked black shirt. Jade thought her own outfit was a little bit more sensible since she was wearing a pair of Doc Marten boots. The leggy redhead had on a pair of thigh high-heeled boots that made her even taller. Val was also wearing a Dark Son’s leather cut and had rhinestones across the front of her shirt that said, ‘Biker Babes Ride Hard!’ in sparkling letters.
Should she have dressed a little more feminine? She had considered a skirt and heels, but her nerves had gotten the best of her. Jade had finally opted for comfort over sexiness. She knew she couldn’t compete with what some of these women would be wearing.
If that meant her men weren’t as interested in her as the eye candy, it was better to know that now. She would never be one of those women who took hours to get ready. Primping and fussing weren’t in her nature.
Jade forced a big smile, determined to fake comfort in the strange surroundings. “Hey, Val.”
The taller woman pulled her in for a hug, the height difference only making it slightly awkward. “I am happier than a Coon dog on a hunt that you showed up here tonight, girl. We’ve seen your playground. Why don’t you come in and see ours?”
Jade followed her inside and had to admit that the size and fun feeling of the room they entered impressed her. She had expected it to be small, crowded, dark, and maybe dirty. Maybe she had been in a few too many roadside bars while traveling on the Parkour circuit.
Other than a few women whom she recognized from their lessons, there weren’t many people in the large room. With all the motorcycles outside, she expected this place to be packed.
The Clubhouse was a large open room with a long cherry wood bar off to the right. Seating areas were scattered around, ranging from bar style tables to comfy looking leather couches. Towards the back of the room, she saw several pool tables and dart boards. Off to the sides were a couple of hallways that probably led deeper into the building.
Pixie, Tari, and Cami sat at the bar, along with an Asian woman she didn’t recognize. The four of them were throwing back shots. An amused and vaguely familiar man stood behind the bar, his arms crossed.
As Jade got closer, she could see the name Decaf was embroidered on his vest.
“Come on, join us for the next round.” Pixie waved her over. “What’s your poison?”
The woman was a bundle of sunshine, no matter what she was doing. Jade’s muscles relaxed. “Tequila.” She loved the taste of it even without salt or lemon and the way the sharp alcohol mellowed all her nerves.
Tari laughed and slapped the bar. “A woman after my own heart. Tequilas, Decaf!”
Jade hopped up onto a bar stool. The man behind the bar lined up new shot glasses for them. “Where are the guys?”
The room they were in seemed hollow, with only the few of them in it.
“Oh, they’re in the b-back. Doing ‘Club Business’.” Cami threw her hands up in the air and did air quotes around the last two words.
Jade did a quick double take as she took in the outfit the purple-haired woman was wearing. “Should I ask why you’re wearing a Dallas cheerleader’s outfit?”
It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that this woman was a cheerleader, but she was a little curvy and not quite as tall as the women Jade often saw on TV. Cami did a perfect imitation of a ditz giggle and tossed her hair over her shoulder in an exaggerated style.
“One.” She held up a dramatic finger, and Jade wondered how much the girl had already had to drink. “Cheerleaders get all the hot guys. Two.” She held up a second finger. “M-Most of the men here can’t stand the Dallas team. So it’ll likely get me in t-trouble.”
Jade couldn’t help the laugh that burst out of her. “And that’s a good thing?”