Page 6 of Leap into the Dark
And that was the problem. She was competitive by nature. The idea of throwing a race had never crossed her mind until now. The terms of their bet had her so tempted to fake a bad run.
The opportunity to go out on a date with one, or both, of these men had an ache starting in her most intimate parts. Jade shook her head, and muttered under her breath, “Pride and free tattoos or dates with the two sexiest men I’ve ever seen. My life sucks.”
Jojo’s bark of laughter made her blush as she realized at least part of what she’d said had been overheard.
Cami smirked. “Are you w-worried you’re not going to beat them? Or that you are?”
Jade shrugged. “Beating them is not going to be a problem.”
The woman’s smile grew sharp. “So what’s the p-problem?”
With a sigh she confessed, “I’ve never been so disappointed to win a bet.”
She looked over at the two smiling men across the foam pit and up at the times displayed on the race board on the wall. Maybe one of them would still be interested in a date without the bet? Men’s egos were a delicate thing in her experience. If she stalled enough to make it a close call, then there would be a better chance. Right?
“How badly are you going to beat them?” The sinister look on JoJo’s face made her nervous.
Jade considered. The cargo net was the time suck for most people. Without the right technique, the obstacle was still easy, but you ended up spending twice the time and energy needed to complete it. That, along with her practice and experience on the rope at the end, meant she would come in almost a minute before them. More if she really pushed herself. But she didn’t want to embarrass them. She could slow herself down without taking too much of a hit to her pride.
“At least thirty seconds.”
Cami rubbed her hands together. “Let’s m-make this interesting.” The mixture of laughter and groans from the surrounding women made Jade’s stomach flip. The woman cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted to the men, “How about we up the stakes?”
The smiles the two men gave did something evil to her insides. Hannibal and Ink strode around the edge of the pit and back towards the group of women. Their movements held a predatory air that had her shivering. It was unfair. How was she supposed to remain focused when they moved like that? Jade’s imagination conjured up images of the two men surrounding her in ways that had nothing to do with competition.
Never had her fantasies included two men, but something about these two had her remembering some of the dirtiest scenes she had read in romance novels. Heat flushed her cheeks. An hour ago, she wouldn’t have imagined she could tempt one of these men. Now she wanted both of them. Together.
Hannibal’s smile as they finally reached them caused her nipples to tighten. “What are you lovelies thinking?”
Jade thought she would die of embarrassment until she realized the question was to Cami.
“If she beats your time by over thirty seconds, you b-boys admit she’s in better shape than you and agree to come train with her for a m-month.”
Jade wanted to groan. Sure, she was competitive, but she wouldn’t rub a win in someone’s face. However, the idea of a guaranteed month with these men had her throwing out the idea of losing on purpose. A whole month versus a single date. This woman was going to be her new best friend.
Ink’s smile went wide. “So you think you’re going to win, darlin’?’’ His voice was like smooth whiskey.
Screw it. If she was going to do this, she was going all in. She stepped forward, the movement forcing her to look up at the two men who were unwitting participants in so many of her nighttime fantasies.
“Well, it’s not like you gave me much of a challenge.”
Hannibal chuckled and circled her. She turned to follow his movement. She found herself between the two men and wondered if this was a dream.
“And what do we get if she doesn’t?” The way Hannibal saidwehad wicked images playing through her mind.
It was obvious that these two men were close friends. Not only business partners but part of the same Motorcycle Club. The idea of the two of them together with her was almost more than her brain could handle. Things like that didn’t happen in real life. Porn and romance novels aside, two over the top sexy men like that couldn’t possibly come as a package.
Not that she wanted them to come as a package. That was insane. She was barely able to handle dating one man at a time. Two would be overwhelming. Wouldn’t it?
Truth was she had never really had much luck in love. Men on the Parkour circuit seemed to come in one of two varieties. Party boys who didn’t take anything seriously or cocky assholes. Neither of which interested her.
She couldn’t even search for her perfect man based on her reading preferences because that would require us to make contact with aliens. Jade shook her head, clearing the wayward thoughts. She crossed her arms over her chest.
“What do you want?”
Ink’s chuckle was right in her ear and she tried to spin, but he had stepped closer, almost pinning her between the two of them. She let out a small groan, and both men laughed.
The sound of their amusement was almost intoxicating. Ink whispered in her ear, “Not sure you can handle what we want.”