Page 68 of Leap into the Dark
“Know that old Cathedral on Colfax and Logan?”
“I’m on top of one of the spires. They know where I am. They’ve got at least ten men with guns on the street and I’m pretty sure more are climbing up to get me. I was hoping they wouldn’t be able to get me up here, but…” There was the sound of some rustling and then a gunshot rang out both over the phone and through the night air.
Hannibal’s heart froze for a minute. “Jade!”
“I’m okay. It looks like they’re on their way up here. There are three guys on the roof, so I guess it won’t be long until they get up the nerve to climb up here. Maybe they’ll blow up the tower with me on it. Do you think gangsters have explosives?”
Her mind was obviously traveling down some very dark roads. “Probably not on hand.”
They had some hidden back at the compound but he hoped Petrov wasn’t as prepared. Or that the difficulty of covering up destroying a church would deter them.
“That’s good to know,” she said.
“Why did you call me, little Jewel? Were you hoping I would come and rescue you?” He knew he would try, but thirteen gunmen alone was a tall order even if Ink helped him.
“No.” The word held a soft acceptance that Hannibal didn’t like. “You’re too far away to save me. Is Ink there with you?”
“Yeah, I’m here darlin’.” Ink’s voice was tight, but his use of an endearment gave Hannibal the first spark of hope that his Brother had heard her explanation and might consider forgiving her given time. Time which they didn’t have.
“Good.” Her shuddering breath was audible even over the phone. “The two of you coming into my life was like a dream I wish I’d never woken up from. I’d imagined what you would be like, since I stalked you online for years. But the reality was so much better.”
“No, let me finish. It may have been only a week, but I know from the core of my heart that I love you both. Hannibal, I love the way you notice every tiny detail about everything and everyone. How you give your whole heart to everything you do without reservation. Ink, I love your many layers from the man who fools everyone with his sweet southern looks to the prickly cactus who pushes everyone away. But under it all is the man who dreams of beauty and brings fantasy to life.”
Her words were filled with tears now. “I love how loyal you guys are to each other and your Club. I even love your Brothers, though some of them are as intimidating as shit, because they love you. And because as badass as they may be, they love and nurture those wild, wonderful, and completely insane women I’ve come to call friends.”
Her voice caught, and she cleared her throat. “That doesn’t make up for what I did. I wish I’d been stronger so I might have someday been an actual part of that family. I hope someday you can forgive me.”
Her words seemed to hang in the night air. They were her final wish, and everyone listening realized she didn’t expect to survive the night. How the hell was this happening?
She was only blocks away and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it. Rushing in there to try to save her would only get him killed and finally spark off the war that would cost many of his Brothers’ lives.
Around him his Brothers’ faces were grim. They’d been by his side, and he’d been at their backs more times than he could count. All he wanted to do in this moment was start up his bike and rush over and try to save a vibrant, wonderful woman on the other end of the phone.
To do that, he would have to renounce the Club to prevent blowback. Could he do it? Could he step away from his brothers and put everything on the line for her?
Hannibal looked over at Ink, and in that moment, they were both in sync.
“Let’s do this,” Ink’s voice was a harsh growl.
“Hold on, baby. We’re coming for you.” They gripped their cuts, ready to hand them in before riding away.
Hawk’s bike roared to life. “Fuck it,” their President growled. “Let’s go get your woman.”
The cheer that sounded from every Brother’s voice as they kicked their bikes to life lifted Hannibal’s soul and echoed into the night.
Chapter 30
If you back me into a corner you’re going to find out I’m five pounds of crazy and you only have a one pound bag.
“Hold on, baby. We’re coming for you.”
Jade wanted to shake her head at Hannibal’s crazy proclamation. The sounds of motorcycles through her cell phone were so loud it seemed to echo out into the night.