Page 40 of Dirty Princess
I turn and face the small gathering of handsome-looking guys.
They’re dressed nice. Really nice.
They all have an aura to themselves.
These guys are rich. They’re powerful. They come from families who could not just hurt and kill me, but could make me disappear and not a single person would care.
Just like what Archer wants to do to me, right?
“This is Ronan Colm,” Cullen says.
He’s got short, messy blond hair and greenish eyes.
“This is Mattia Mierello,” Cullen points next.
Mattia is dressed in black, top to bottom. His hair is cut short, jet-black, and he’s wearing sunglasses. He looks like a bodyguard.
“And this is Gabriele Tommaso,” Cullen nods to a tall guy in a white T-shirt that hugs the most muscle I’ve ever seen on a person before.
I swear he flexes his pecs at me.
“And finally, this is Lazarus Llewellyn,” Cullen says.
That name is familiar from Maz and Birdie.
“Call me Laz,” Lazarus says with a slight grin.
He’s gotcharmingandbadwritten all over his face.
His skin has a light tan to it that I figure is just his natural skin tone.
“Now introduce yourself,” Mattia says in a deep voice.
“I don’t know how,” I say. “My name is Jaci Ruby. I have no idea why I’m here. I don’t know who my parents are. I was dropped off on a woman’s porch when I was a baby. I don’t know anyone else with the last name Ruby. That doesn’t sound like a mafia last name, does it?”
Nobody answers me.
They all kind of casually look at Cullen.
I have no idea what this silent conversation represents.
“Can we talk about Archer now?” I ask with a nervous laugh.
“Nothing to talk about,” Ronan says. “You have your hands full. Good luck.”
“Wait a second,” I say. “You said there was a right way to do this. Does that mean… kill me?”
They all look at Cullen again.
It’s as though I’m supposed to know certain things.
But how can I know anything?
I’m suddenly anHeiratDSC?
There’s a good chance this is simply the longest dream I’ve ever had.
I’m actually sort of waiting for Fay to shake the bed and wake me up.