Page 45 of Dirty Princess
I know I won’t figure out anything tonight.
I think I just want to walk until I get tired.
So I can go back and sleep.
I also hope Maz and Birdie drink themselves to sleep.
I don’t want to hear about Cullen anymore.
I don’t want to hear about-
“Got you,” a voice says from behind me.
I turn my head but freeze.
I feel something touch my back.
“Is that your dick, Archer?” I ask.
“No, sweet thing,” he growls.“It’s my fucking knife.”
Chapter 12
“Believe me, you’d know if it was my dick, sweet thing,” Archer says.
I scoff and shake my head. “Big and tough yet you’re the same as every other guy in the world.”
“How so?”
“One mention of the size of your dick and you get all worked up.”
“I’m far from worked up,” Archer says.
“You’re holding a knife to my back,” I say.
“I have no choice.”
“How about I turn around and you hold the knife to my stomach?” I offer.
“Go for it,” he says. “Try anything fancy and I’ll gut you before I get the chance to talk to you.”
I show my hands and slowly begin to turn.
Now for some kind of unneeded clarity here, I grew up in a shit town and saw a lot of shit things. I had dealt with a lot of messed up situations in my life. But a knife stuck to my back? Never happened. Some big and powerful guy like Archer wanting to kill me? Never happened.
I need to be more scared, but I think I just don’t care anymore.
There’s nothing special about me that would give Archer any kind of satisfaction or future by killing me.
At least, I hope not.
I know better than to run.
Archer knows this campus and knows everyone on it.
I’m new.