Page 5 of Dirty Princess
“So, you’re leaving town?” Marty asks as he sits next to me.
He holds up his thumb and pointer fingers, showing off a white pill.
“Yes, I’m leaving,” I say. “No, I don’t want that pill.”
Marty pops it into his mouth and swallows it without water.
“I don’t get it,” Brie says. “You’re going tothe DSC?”
“That’s what the paper says,” I say.
“That’s an expensive and scary place,” Kae says.
“It’s all paid for,” I say. “I guess it’s some scholarship thing. You know how it goes. Some rich dude probably got caught fucking someone he wasn’t supposed to, so he hurries to throw six figures at a college to let someone like me attend.”
“Too bad you can’t just get the money,” Marty says with a smile.
Marty has messy brown hair and the same pudgy cheeks that he’s had since kindergarten. He’s got freckles all over his face. He’s ugly yet a little bit cute. But I’ve known him forever. I’d never let him touch me like that.
“If I had the money I’d buy a new car,” I say.
I open my eyes wide and wait for his reaction.
“What?” Marty asks.
“Someone set my car on fire,” I say.
“What?” Brie and Kae ask at the same time.
They come bouncing my way, loving the gossip.
They’re not related but totally could be.
Blonde hair, blue eyes. Their hair pulled back the same. Their shirts were too low, showing off their greatest assets. Both have accepted the fact they will forever use their chests to eke out something that resembles a living.
In my mind, I have a bet going on.
I figure Brie will be the first to get pregnant.
Kae will be the first to get divorced.
And at some point, each will have a baby from the same man.
They’ll hate each other for it. They’ll fight, not talk, and then eventually ditch the asshole who knocked them both up and become friends again. Then those two kids will grow up as sisters and repeat the same cycle.
“My car is torched,” I say. “And it’s Marty’s fault.”
“What?” Marty yells. “What the fuck did I do?”
“I owe you money. You told your people. They came after my car.”
“I swear on my life,” Marty says. “I would never do that to you, Jaci.”
“Yeah, he wants to fuck you,” Brie says.
“Really?” Marty asks.
“It’s true,” Kae says.