Page 8 of Dirty Princess
Power as in…
Add in any words you wanted to add to make it sound cooler and scarier.
That’s what the college was for.
Some had more power than others. Some were just kind of brushing up against the frayed edges of an old mafia family that now had no ties to anything active but there was some sense of a bloodline there.
That’s whatDSCwas all about.
Now as for me…
Why in the hell did I receive a letter saying I was accepted, and it was paid for?
I don’t know.
I think about it as I stand at the front door to Fay’s house.
Maybe she’s connected.
Maybe some long lost uncle was a muscle guy for some of the names I had heard throughout the years, which made her technically part of this thing. And since she raised me…
It made zero sense.
But I kind of didn’t mind an adventure here or there.
I’m used to my life being fucked up, so what else could happen here?
I open the front door and the black SUV waits for me.
So far, so good.
Nobody jumps out and shoots at me.
I have a bag thrown over my shoulder.
It’s myoh shit, I need to boltbag.
We all have one around here.
And if you know, then you know.
Meaning we all know that things change in a second. So having your stuff packed up and ready to go just makes it easier to run.
Only I don’t have to run right now.
I walk.
Right up to the black SUV.
The driver’s side window rolls down.
A man with a fat face looks at me.