Page 163 of Taken Princess
I can’t help myself.
Plus, I’m still pissed at Cullen and Archer.
Not to mention all the bullshit with classes and grades.
It’s a lot to handle at once.
There’s something comforting about Seth being high with me.
We walk away from the coffeehouse together, holding hands.
I’m buzzing for sure.
I swear the leaves are jumping off the trees and reattaching themselves.
Like the leaves are…
“Butterflies!” I cry out.
“What?” Seth asks.
“The leaves are like butterflies,” I say. “They dance and chase one another. They find their home in the trees. And then when their time is up, when the fun is over, they just gently fall to the ground…”
I stop walking and crouch down.
I grab a beautiful looking, dark red leaf and stand back up.
I cover my right eye with it.
“I’m an autumn pirate!” I yell at Seth.
“Holy shit, Jaci,” he says. “You’re definitely feeling it…”
“It feels even better because I’m with you,” I confess. “You make this fun, Seth.”
“Here, I have an idea,” he says.
He doesn’t say another word before he pulls me off the paved pathway to a stone pathway… but then he keeps going.
Right into the woods we go.
Normally I’d be scared.
And I should be scared.
It was in the woods where Seth kidnapped me.
He kidnapped me. He took me. He…
“Hey, wait a second,” I say to Seth.
I stop and pull at his hand.
“What’s wrong?”
“You kidnapped me,” I say. “You took me from here. You handcuffed me to your bed in the basement.”
Seth doesn’t hesitate as he slides his right hand to the middle of my back.