Page 217 of Taken Princess
“That was one of my guys,” Seth says. “Faye, join the fun. Tell them what this all is.”
“It’s yours,” Faye says in a monotone voice.
“Yours?” I ask, looking at Seth.
“Outlaw,” Seth says. “This is all mine. This place. This street. This whole neighborhood.”
“You’re a shithead drug dealer,” Cullen says. “That’s what you do now? Your family is okay with that?”
“We need to survive,” Seth says. “I keep it all controlled. Until you guys show up and fuck things up. My distribution has been all fucked up. Tocky was a good one. One of my best. Vicious. Loyal.”
“He tried to hurt her,” Archer says. “He attacked her.”
“She shouldn’t have been here,” Seth says.
“It’s my fault now?” I asked. “Fine. Then kill me, Seth. Let Cullen and Archer go. You want to hurt me? Go for it.”
“I’m not there yet,” Seth says. “I’m just thinking on how to make this right.”
“You can’t touch our families,” Cullen says.
“Let him try,” Archer says. “One phone call and I’ll bury his families dirty motorcycle club in a heartbeat.”
“There are other families to destroy,” Seth says.
The look on Cullen and Archer’s faces…
I look at Seth. “You… kidnapped me…”
“Not now, Jaci,” Seth says.
“This is why you kidnapped me,” I say. “You did it for leverage. You fucking piece of shit.”
I stomp on Seth’s right foot and then kick back at him.
I try to hit his balls but hit his knee.
He steps back and laughs, letting me go.
I freeze for a second.
Not sure what to do.
Archer leaps forward and grabs my arm to pull me toward him and Cullen.
Cullen steps in front of me.
Seth points the gun at Cullen. “Come on, I still have the gun. I wasn’t even holding her that hard. We all know where this goes now. And for the record, Jaci, me keeping you safe had nothing to do with this issue. That was for something else.”
“Something else?” I ask. “What does that mean? You took me for a different reason?”
“You pricks keep holding it all back,” Seth says. “She’s going to find everything out and then what?”
“Find out what?” I ask.
I push my away around Cullen and away from Archer.
I’m now walking toward Seth. Who still has a gun.