Page 23 of Taken Princess
Biting my bottom lip with my heart still racing from what Seth and I had done in his basement together.
I slip between the bushes and push my way through to get to the alleyway.
Then I pause and take a deep breath.
I’ve officially put distance between myself and the house.
Even if Seth came home right now and checked the basement, it wouldn’t matter.
The hard part is over now.
I start to walk away, curling up in my hoodie.
I walk fast but not too fast.
The air is very crisp and cold, hitting my lungs hard.
I don’t want to run and end up out of breath or sweating and hurting myself.
On top of that, let’s be honest… I’m still trying to process the idea that I was kidnapped.
I mean, I had just been atDSC, right?
Trying to find my place.
Sleeping with Cullen.
Sleeping with Archer.
So much at once and then…
Lights suddenly come on and almost blind me.
I lift my hands and try to block the lights.
They’re headlights.
I see the driver’s side door to the car open.
A figure steps out.
“Everything is okay!” I call out. “Just going for a walk!”
The figure takes a few steps.
Then I hear clapping.
“Jaci Ruby… going for a walk…”
My knees give out and I plop down to the ground on my ass.
I want to burst into tears for real.
Fucking Seth is now walking toward me.
Chapter 7
Seth walks toward me.