Page 38 of Taken Princess
“Just who do you think you are in all of this?” I ask him. “You’re a piece of shit street trash going up against mafia families. You do realize that, right? Cullen and Archer are from dangerous families. And they’re next in line. They have more power than you can-”
“I don’t give a fuck,” Seth says. “Now lead the way so I can meet these guys. Two for one, huh, Jaci? I never knew you were into that. You should have told me. I had some friends who wanted their chance behind you.”
“It’s not like that,” I say.
“Not like what? You don’t fuck them both at the same time?”
I grit my teeth for a second. “No, Seth. I don’t.”
“Then what is this? You screw each one separately? Do they know about each other? Oh, fuck, Jaci, are you leading these two guys on?”
“It’s none of your business what we have,” I say.
“We,” he says. He lets out a whistle. “So they do know about each other. And they’re okay with it. Taking turns with you. Wow, Jaci, I can see why you like it here so much. Two powerful guys fighting over your sweet pussy. Yet they both know they’ll get their piece. And they know you’ll tell them how you like it. That’s the gig, right? You’re in charge?”
“Think what you want,” I say. “Use it to jerk off with later.” I stop walking and snap my fingers. “Wait. You better go jerk off right now. You’re about to die.”
“If that’s the case, how about one last time with me, Jaci?” Seth offers.
He then moves at me.
Faster than I expect.
I have no chance to prepare or defend myself.
His hand goes over my mouth.
He picks me up and carries me into the woods.
Seth tosses me against a tree and laughs.
“Ready for me?” he asks.
“Go fuck yourself, Seth,” I say. “You have no power here. Not on campus. Not over me.”
“I just picked you up and carried you here,” he says. “Don’t talk about power to me. I can have what I want.”
“Then take it,” I say. “Come on. Tough guy.”
Seth closes in on me and lowers his mouth way too close to mine.
“I will fuck you again, Jaci,” he whispers. “I promise you. You’ll beg me for it too. Your little group of dicks you’re gathering? I’ll be part of it too. Think you can take three at a time?”
I swallow hard. “You have no idea…”
“No, Jaci,” he says. “You have no idea. I’m not going to die tonight. Or tomorrow. Or tomorrow night. I’ve got a long life ahead of me. You’re just part of it for now. Ready to walk again?”
“I never said to stop walking,” I say. “I was just trying to let your dick have a little fun.”
He grabs my hand and we leave the woods.
I pull my hand away from his again.
This time we walk in complete silence.
It’s a fair way toMakson Ridge.
I’m shivering like crazy.