Page 67 of Taken Princess
I let out a small cry when I see Professor Mordec waiting for me.
His arms are folded.
He’s staring right at me.
I give a quick wave.
“Finally made it to class,” I say.
That was stupid to say, Jaci.
Professor Mordec nods. “I’m sorry, Jacine, but I can’t let you in here right now.”
“What?” I ask. “Why not?”
“You’ve missed a lot of work,” he says. “I can’t just let you back in there.”
“That makes no sense,” I say. “I’m here now. I know I have work to make up. So let me get the work I’ve missed and get it done.”
“I’m not sure I appreciate your tone right now, Miss Ruby.”
“I’m not sure I appreciate you impeding me wanting to learn,” I throw back.
Professor Mordec begins to laugh.
Then I feel words slipping out of my mouth…
“Do you know who I am?” I ask.
I quickly gasp and cover my mouth.
I’m not sure if that’s something I’m supposed to say or not.
I don’t really know the rules aroundDSCwhen it comes to us and the professors.
I can’t imagine there’s a lot of secrets… everyone knows those who attendDSCare somehow connected to a mafia family in one way or another.
“I think your next move is to turn and walk away,” Professor Mordec says.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” I say.
“Of course you did,” he says. “If you’d let me get a full sentence in, I can explain what’s happening.”
“Fine,” I say. “What’s happening?”
“You need to go see Dean Tahg.”
Oh, fuck… just how screwed am I?
The main office has such an important smell.
That super clean smell with a mix of fresh carpet and some expensive cologne.
A smell that reminds me of getting into trouble.
I sit in a leather chair and stare at Dean Tahg’s desk.
I’m waiting for him to show up.