Page 82 of Taken Princess
“Quinn, that’s enough here,” Cullen says.
“Bring him to the party and we’ll see when it’s enough,” Quinn says.
I look at Archer. “What party?”
“A coming back to life party for you,” Archer says.
“A what?” I cry out.
“Zombie Jaci,” Seth says. “Don’t worry, I’ll still want to fuck you. Hot, zombie sex.”
“I’m going to cut your tongue out of your fucking mouth,” Archer says.
“Hey, look at that,” Seth says. “You finally show some emotion and jealousy. Is it because you prefer Jaci dead?”
“He does prefer me dead,” I say. “His entire plan is to kill me.”
“Eventually,” Archer says with a glare at me that makes my knees wobble.
Cullen gets his brother to leave.
Now I’m back to being alone with the three guys.
I try hard not to think about what happened in that room.
Me on a table. Kissing each one of them.
One at a time.
But it did the trick.
It did it for me.
It did it for them.
“There’s a party tonight?” I ask Cullen.
He nods. “AtSentral.”
“Am I invited?” Seth asks.
“Not a fucking chance in hell,” Archer says.
Seth snaps his fingers. “Damn. I guess this conversation will be continued later.”
There’s a look Seth gives Cullen and Archer that I hate.
There’s a secret here.
A big fucking secret.
Just like the secret about my family.
“I’m supposed to attend this party?” I ask Cullen.
“It’s a party for you, love,” Cullen says.
“Coming back to life,” Archer says. “Like I said earlier.”