Page 21 of Built of Strength
Sam leaned back against the railing and watched the light in Tansy’s room as if it held the answers to all the questions he had.
It held one of them.
Had she really wanted to kiss him, or had it resulted from sharing something so personal?
And why was he being a chickenshit?
He needed to ask her. Or better yet, kiss her and see what happened.
And he needed to do that without screwing up his friendship with her or Joe.
Which meant he probably shouldn’t do shit tonight.
He’d driven over twelve hours from Toledo, leaving in the middle of the night because he’d wanted to get here.
A hike through the woods, a dip in the lake, and a bucketload of emotions added up to exhaustion.
Which was the main thing he’d been feeling since he’d shoved Hayley Armstrong’s jackass of a dad into a cell.
Dropping a baby out of a window because he was high on a ridiculous cocktail of drugs and alcohol and pissed the courts didn’t think he was a suitable parent.
No shit, Sherlock.
Taking the coward’s way out, Sam turned away from Tansy’s window and did a circle check of the lodge, stopping near the separate garage. Was that where she had her projects? Why did they even have a garage with no roads into the area?
It was too dark to see inside and the deadbolts were locked. Windows locked as well.
At least she’d taken care of that part.
He’d order in some security equipment in the morning. Get her more protected.
The lodge was secure on the outside, but Sam went through the building level by level, checking windows and doors.
By the time he reached his room on the top floor, Tansy’s light was off.
That was for the best.
If he was going to convince her to see him as more than her brother’s buddy, he was going to need his A-game and that required sleep.
A healthy portion of luck wouldn’t hurt, either.
I've Got A Secret
Tansy snuck down the stairs to the main floor of the lodge.
Sleep had eluded her for much of the night for so many reasons.
Sam was sleeping in the next room. It wasn’t like they hadn’t shared a roof before. They’d shared the foster home for years.
But this was different.
They were older. They were alone.
And she was going out of her mind with lust.
The lust was balanced out by the worry. Which had been the reason she hadn’t knocked on Sam’s door and thrown herself at him.