Page 34 of Built of Strength
Tansy sighed. “You just want coffee.”
She smiled, and he knew he had her.
“Fine. Let me grab my phone and some money.”
“My treat, remember.”
She smiled. “We’re not wasting the energy just to go for breakfast. We can pick up some supplies while we’re there.”
“Like coffee?”
She shook her head, but smiled. “You buy your own coffee.”
Breakfast Phail
It wasn’t even ten o’clock and Tansy figured she’d been through an emotional wringer already.
Nerves from having Sam sleep in the next room, the joy of running with one of her best friends, excitement over the DOD projects, the worry she’d absorbed from Sam about the plane.
And the kiss.
The Kiss.
Had to be capitalized, even in her head.
It was taking every ounce of willpower she possessed not to jump him, to drag him up to her room and have her way with him.
All the ways she’d been imagining.
She’d always had a healthy imagination, and the list was extensive.
But she wanted something long term with Sam, and she wouldn’t screw it up by rushing things.
They’d take their time like civilized adults.
Because they knew each other so well, she wanted to skip a couple of steps, but that wasn’t wise.
Sam’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Tell me about Phail. What’s the town like?”
They’d taken Sam’s car because it was bigger, and he was a control freak. Tansy didn’t mind driving, but she preferred being the passenger so she could focus on whatever was important at the moment.
At this moment, jumping into bed with Sam seemed the most important thing, but she shoved that aside to focus on the town.
“Phail was founded over a hundred years ago by Samuel Phail, who moved from Inverness, Scotland. He married a local girl, Jean, and they founded the sawmill.”
“Phail is a last name? I’ve never heard of that one. Wonder how much teasing kids in the family have to suffer through.”
Tansy nodded. “You saw the way someone changed the Ph to F on the sawmill sign. I’m sure that’s happened a lot. According to what I’ve read, the Phail family was kind of a big deal back in Scotland. Apparently, there was some kind of big family dustup and a lot of the clan moved away. The ones who left changed the name to MacPhail, but the original group kept their name. And I’m sounding like a history lesson.”
Sam reached over to squeeze her hand. “I enjoy listening to you, Tans. You’re never boring.”
She squeezed his in return before he took it back to take the curve.
“What’s the town like now? Are there lots of Phails running around?”
Tansy shrug. “I haven’t had a chance to get to know it yet. I’ve only been in a couple of businesses and haven’t really spoken with anyone other than cashiers.”