Page 66 of Built of Strength
Tansy patted his hand. “No one’s there and nothing’s really wrong. I was just connecting dots.”
“Which dots?”
She wanted tea, wanted something to do with her hands, so she moved back to the main room and put the kettle on the pellet stove.
“I realized that the only person who knew about my camouflage project was James.”
Sam growled softly and turned to Marcus. “James Stephens. Asshole ex from Sacramento, currently in the wind. Tried to steal Tansy’s tech and sell it.”
“He didn’t actually try to steal it. He claimed he was responsible for it and offered the rights to it to what he claimed were private investors.”
Marcus wanted to know more, so she explained her science lab and how intellectual property rights worked and how her personal lab had been separate from anything the team worked on.
“So this guy’s a user and full of shit, but also smart enough to convince people he’s helping?”
The succinct description had Tansy almost smiling. It would be easier if she wasn’t one of the people he’d used. “That’s a good description. Anyway, I was thinking that James would sell to private investors because that’s where the money always is. So, how did the DOD know about the tech? They emailed me about it.”
Sam and Marcus exchanged a look. Marcus responded. “No idea, although there is more gossip in military ranks than any knitting circle. Even a whisper of new tech would be of interest to a whole lot of groups. There’s a lot of crossover between the government and private companies.”
That made sense, too.
Tansy squeezed Sam’s hand. “I also wondered if someone might be angry with you. You’ve put a lot of people in jail over the years. Until last night I haven’t had a single problem and I’ve been here for months.”
Sam’s eyebrows furrowed. She knew he’d been so focused on her that the thought hadn’t crossed his mind.
“I’ll put in a call to the office. See if anyone’s been making noises or has been released recently.”
Marcus nodded and handed them both his card. “I’d appreciate you keeping me in the loop. Send me a text so I have your numbers as well. I’d also like to update Troy. He keeps his eye on the town. He’s got military contacts and he contracts out on communications with several departments.”
Tansy nodded, knowing it was the sensible decision even if it did involve more people in her private business. “Do you know if anyone new is visiting in town?”
Marcus shook his head. “It’s not high tourist season. Skiing is over and it’s not great for fishing for a bit. Newcomers will stand out. I’ll check with Jim and Carl. They run the B&B. There are a lot of B&Bs in nearby towns, too. I’ll make up a report and send it around, warning people of a potential troublemaker in the area.”
Tansy kept the sigh internal. So much for her quiet and peaceful break from the world.
Sam worried about Tansy throughout the rest of the day. Not for her safety, she wasn’t doing anything dangerous or threatening to go off on her own. But her shoulders were slumped, the sparkle gone from her eyes.
He knew she hated conflict. She was happiest when she was up to the elbows creating something fun and useful.
She’d been enjoying the hologram a lot, and Sam wanted to kick Stephens’ ass for taking that away from her. For money.
They were squirrelled away in the fort and Tansy was working, but she didn’t have energy crackling from her like she normally did.
He needed to find some answers so she could have her joy back.
She’d let him go through her emails to see what James had been saying. Even if he hadn’t known the backstory, he would have despised the man from the emails alone.
He alternated between whining and demanding. Even went so far as to say she owed him because they’d been together for a few weeks.
The thought of the prick’s hands on Tansy made him crazy.
Neither Joe nor Nico had picked up anything about Stephens. He was lying low and not using credit cards. Where had his cash come from? Who was he with?
The phone beeped in Sam’s hands with a new email from the prick himself.
Sam opened it.
Hi Tansy,