Page 89 of Built of Strength
He could store his guns and weapon systems here easily. Use it for exchanges. It would be a good way to stay under the radar.
Once Tansy was safe, they’d check that out.
Sam reached the rear and moved to the first aisle of units. No vehicles.
Nor the second or the third.
On the final aisle, he found two vehicles. Both ubiquitous black SUVs. Easy to blend in. Difficult to differentiate.
Popular with rich scumbags everywhere.
One man leaned against a vehicle and scrolled through his phone. A guard who was doing a piss-poor job of guarding.
Sam wanted to shoot the bastard and go in solo, but that would put Tansy in more danger, so he forced himself to pull out his phone and send a text to Joe.
Final aisle on north end. Third unit from the end. Two vehicles. One guard. Secure the office and don’t let them call out.
He knew Joe would figure it out from there.
Joe’s text was immediate.Got it.On the way.
Sam pocketed the phone and moved in.
The guard faced the unit with his back to Sam. Dumbass. A guard should be focused on danger from all areas, not facing where the hostage was being held.
Everything pointed to Howard owning the property. The guard was a formality, nothing more. He wasn’t worried about anyone unwanted approaching.
Sam crept toward the man and crouched behind the SUV.
He needed to take him out quickly and silently.
Sam eased his gun into its holster and focused his weight.
He moved to the edge closest to the guard and then used his foot to brush against the man’s leg.
When the man looked down, Sam rose and easily pulled him into a choke hold until the man passed out. By that time, Joe and Troy arrived and helped him to truss up and gag the man.
Graham must have stayed at the office to control the situation from there.
Sam brought out his gun again and moved to the door he assumed held Tansy and at least a couple of men.
With hand gestures, they decided Sam would go straight while the others covered right and left. They would have surprise on their side, but that was about it.
And without any tech toys, they had no idea what awaited on the other side of the door.
Should they wait?
A cry of pain sounded from inside the door. Tansy.
Sam tested the knob. Open. Complacent dumbasses. He shoved forward while the others moved to the sides.
A spotlight stood in one corner, shining directly onto Tansy, who sat on a chair in front of a desk with a laptop.
The light from the door added to the spotlight so that they could see the other occupants.
In the shadows just beyond Tansy, a man stood holding a switchblade in one hand and a baseball bat in the other.
Rage filled Sam as Joe shouted out, “FBI. Drop your weapons. Hands in the air.”