Page 1 of Holy Hell
Chapter One
“Carter.” His mother’s strident voice shot through him like nails on a chalkboard, only less pleasant. “When are you going to get a girlfriend? I’ve had several friends offer to introduce you to their daughters. Any one of them would make a good wife. Charlotte’s daughter, Kara, has these lovely childbearing hips, and she’s very… well, kind of pretty. The two of you would make such beautiful babies.”
It was a good thing they were on the phone, because the thought of Kara and her childbearing hips made Carter feel a tad nauseous. It wasn’t that Carter didn’t like girls. He liked them just fine. Two of his best friends were girls, and they rocked. He just didn’t want to think about them naked. More accurately, he didn’t want to contemplatebeingnaked with either of them.
What Carter wanted—what he’dalwayswanted—was a big, buff man who could toss Carter around like a sack of potatoes, then pin him to the bed and—
“Carter, are you even listening to me?”
Shit. He’d stopped tuning in after the whole childbearing hip thought had taken up residence in his brain. “Yes, Mother. I heard you.”
“Sweetheart, you’re nineteen now. You’re off at college, listening to those liberal educators, and every one of them is intent on indoctrinating—”
That was his cue to tune out again. Once Mother got started on Carter’s choice of colleges, the conversation could go on for hours. He loved his mother and father, but… They were militant Christian Republicans. He’d been forced to listen to their litany of woes his entire life. Wasn’t it terrible how family life was dying? Why did the gays have to come out of the closet? Why did women have to have abortions? Why couldn’t they be happy staying at home, making and taking care of the children? Not to mention every other talking point the politicians put in their heads.
The thing was, he knew deep down they were in his corner, but that was only because they didn’t know the truth. Carter was queer as a three-dollar bill, if one could be as fabulous as he was.
Carter had met dozens of new people at college, and his eyes had been opened to so many exciting things. Like the first time he’d gone to a drag show. Carter was hooked the second those queens strode onto the stage, their sequined gowns reflecting the spotlights, their voices carrying over the din of the crowd. He’d gone to several such shows, and with each one he found more to love. When his friend, Jess, suggested he give it a try, Carter was torn. He loved the idea with a passion, but if his parents found out…
Then came the night a boisterous queen named Rochelle sat and told him why she did drag. Being dressed as a woman was when she felt the freest, and she told Carter if he wanted to experience life, he needed to give it a go.
That helped him decide. He was going to do it. What he discovered? Rochelle had nailed it. Carter found it oddly liberating to dress up as a woman. To hide his dark hair beneath a platinum blonde wig, paint his lips the most audacious shade of crimson, and to put far too much rouge on his cheeks. He used green lenses to cover his blah brown eyes. Then came the moment when they called for Miss Sippy Liqueur to step onto the stage. He would never forget how his heart pounded, overwhelmed by the very real fear of hyperventilating and passing out, and yet all that had gone away when the people in the audience clapped and cheered. He’d even been brave enough to try singing. Yeah, that could have gone better, but overall, it had been remarkable.
And it had also been the turning point in Carter’s life.
“Mom, I’m studying. I don’t have time for anyone right now, and I don’t feel an urge to meet new people.”
Which wasn’t true. He’d make the time, and hedefinitelyhad an urge.
One fantasy had stayed with him since high school, and he wanted to make it a reality. It always went the same way. A tall man stepped from the shadows and stalked toward Carter, who peered up and up, until he could clearly see the man’s face. Only in his fantasy, Carter’s gaze never really got much higher than the guy’s navel, because he was so transfixed at what was under the toolbelt. Long, hard, thick, and leaking, just like in his favorite porn movie. Then the man would grab him, spin him around, shove him against the wall, then shuck his pants and underwear in one swift movement, before finally—
“But Carter,” his mother whined, and with a jolt, Carter landed back in real life. “The two of you could become friends, and after you graduate, you could move into a more serious relationship.”
“Mom, no. I appreciate what you’re saying, but I don’t want a girlfriend. And I think you know as well as I do, that if I met Kara, you’d be calling me every Sunday, like clockwork, trying to push me to get married.”
“Your father and I were married at your age,” she reminded him. Again. “We had you when we were twenty, and our life was finally complete.”
Children didn’t completeeveryone’slife. How many of his female friends at college said, “Oh, I came to school to get an education so I could go pop out some babies and waste everything I’ve learned.”? Exactly none. “Mom, I don’t know that I want kids.”
She gasped. “You have to. The pastor says—”
Here we go again. As soon as she started with the religion, the conversation would go downhill very quickly. Carter’s mind was off and running in a totally different direction.
You want this? Fantasy Guy asked, slapping a thick cock into the palm of his hand with a wet thwack.
I want it.
Get on your knees, then. Show me how bad you want it. Maybe, if you’re a good boy, I’ll let you suck it.
Carter dropped down, until he came face to… head with the loveliest cock he’d ever seen. At least eight inches, and thick as a Klement’s sausage, it made Carter’s mouth water.
Carter let out a gasp. Rubbing his hardon through his pants while he was on the phone with his mother was most definitelyew. He cleared his throat, and wished for a gallon of brain bleach.
“Mom, I have to go. I have… uh… class… a study session with some people in about ten minutes.” What he really had was a throbbing dick, and he needed some alone time with it, like right the hell now.
“Oh, but I wanted to tell you—”
Noooooooo!“Mom, call me later, okay? I really have to go. Like now.”