Page 52 of Holy Hell
“Aw, fuck, Angel. Yeah, just like that.” Beez groaned. “I wish you could see how fucking amazing you look right now.” His eyes widened. “Wait—you can.” A second later, a mirror appeared on the wall above the headboard, and Alcy saw himself, his chest and neck flushed a deep red, his eyes shining, his lips parted. The sight, coupled with the feel of his hole stretched around Beez’s girth, sent a wave of pleasure hurtling through him.
“Supreme, I think I…” Alcy rocked faster, taking Beez deeper. “I…”
What is happening to me?
His wings unfurled, filling the space above the bed, their feathers glittering in the corona of pure white light that surrounded him as he came a second time, pulsing onto Beez’s chest. Beez gasped, and Alcy felt his cock throb inside him. Carter sat beside them, his eyes wide, mouth open.
Alcy raised his arms high. “This is heaven!” Then he leaned over Beez and they kissed, until he realized something—someone—was missing, and they pulled Carter into a threeway kiss that melted Alcy into Beez’s arms, Carter stretched out next to them.
My men.
Alcy was theirs, heart, body, soul—and apparently wings.
Chapter Seventeen
Alcy lay on Carter’s bed, spooned between Beez and Carter, Beez’s arm draped protectively over both of them.
I had sex.
Last night, I hadsex.
The experience had left him drained and dry, and the ache in his butt was a tangible reminder that wasn’t exactly unpleasant. Not that he minded the ache in the slightest—it was worth it to have fulfilled a lifelong desire to know what it felt like to be with Beez.
Except Carter had been there too, and Alcyknew, balls to bones, that whatever he and Beez had done in Carter’s bed, it wouldn’t have been nearly as good, as right, without Carter. Alcy didn’t understand the pull he felt toward Carter—and Beez—but he could no longer deny it. And deep down, he knew something else—the three of them together somehow made all of themcomplete.
He brushed his fingers over Carter’s face, so sweet and calm in sleep, as though he didn’t have a worry in the world. Beez wore a similar peaceful expression, and seeing it blew away any doubts Alcy might have entertained.
He feels this connection, the same as I do.
When Beez had kissed him, there had been no mistaking the want—theneed—in his eyes. And it wasn’t only directed at Carter. Beez’s shy smile—and if I wanted further proof, there it is right there, because Beez and shy were two words that hadneverbeen uttered in the same sentence—and the way it made Alcy feel inside, told him whatever they had going on, it was more than sex. It was deeper, more primal than Alcy could understand. And now that he’d touched these feelings, he never wanted to let them go.
Carter snorted and burrowed his nose deeper into Alcy’s armpit, hummed happily, then settled back to sleep. Alcy tightened his grip on Carter, unwilling to let him move away.He’s right where he belongs. They all were.
Alcy’s heart quaked.What does our future hold?Whatcouldit hold? Alcy and Beez were hosts, and last night they’d brokensomany rules. Alcy gave an internal snort.No, what we did was throw the rulebook onto a fire and then launch its ashes into a hurricane.And Supreme would know, of course. Not that they were omnipotent, but Alcy couldn’t lie. Atall. Supreme would take one look at Alcy’s predictably guilty face and know exactly what he’d done.
Alcy didn’t want to think about that. Because right then, he would take whatever punishment he had coming—and bear it gladly—because he’dfinallybeen bold enough to touch Beez, to be touched by him. And Carter had been the link between them, the one who’d urged Alcy to give in, to allow himself to love. To be loved.
After all this, I can’t go back to being a Heavenly host.Then again, he couldn’t go to Hell, either. He wasn’t built like Beez. He didn’t like the idea of anyone touching him. Well, anyone other than Carter and Beez, of course. And now he couldn’t imagine his life without them in it. Not anymore.
Alcy was lost.
He’d always thought being a host was the most important thingever, but it paled in comparison to this moment in time, sandwiched between two men who’d allowed Alcy a glimpse of what lay beyond his structured life. Beez had said Alcy’s fellow hosts were able to have fun, but Alcy was certainfundidn’t include being plowed by Beez, or of being buried inside Carter, of spilling his seed into that tight, hot rear. That particular moment had outstripped any sense of achievement Alcy had enjoyed as a host. To hear Carter cry out as Alcy let go of any sense of propriety and thrust into Carter’s—
He sucked in a breath. Heavenly hosts didn’t swear. They didn’t use vulgar terms for the human body. He couldn’t help it, though. He’d had his cock in Carter’s ass, he’d cum inside him, and then he’d gotten to witness it dripping out of Carter’s used hole...
Oh Supreme, it was amazing.
Beez stirred, tracing a line on Alcy’s bare hip with his fingertips. “What are you thinking about, baby?” The words came out as a purr.
Baby—again. Much as Alcy hated to admit it, he liked the way it sounded.
“Just thinking,” Alcy whispered, not wanting to wake Carter.
Beez slid a hot hand down Alcy’s spine, and Alcy held his breath, waiting for him to cup and squeeze the ass he’d used so hard last night, but instead he stopped just above it. A voice inside Alcy’s head wanted to demand he go lower. To touch him again.
Shame coursed through him at such wanton thoughts.
Beez withdrew his hand, moving it higher until he stroked Alcy’s cheek. “Lemme guess. You’re thinking about seeing your cum dripping out of Carter’s ass, right?”